Flicker: Vingt - Quatre (2/2)

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Nora felt the sunlight on her face and she opened her eyes. She groaned, quickly closing her eyes. 

The whole room was spinning.

Nora wanted to bury herself underneath the covers and sleep until the world finally stood straight on its feet. The sound of children laughing, running back and forth down the hallway, reminded her that she had responsibilities. Last night's horrendous affair hit her just then suddenly and she realized that three children were in this house instead of two. Normally Mary would take care of the guests and ongoings of the house but Mary wasn't around and Nora had committed to her position. So there would be no sleeping in. She had to assure that the individuals staying in Gillans were taken care of.

Nora sat up in the bed and paused a moment until the world stopped reeling. Looking behind her, she saw that the place next to her was untouched.  Nora knew that Quinton had not slept there. She sighed. She wondered if he was able to calm down last night. She struggled to get to her feet, swaying slightly. She had to drink a cup of Joe in order to become energized and face the day. A warm shower was just what she needed to get herself revved up. After dressing, Nora stepped into the hallway. She was nearly knocked over onto her back by three giggling children. 

"Whoa whoa whoa there. Hold on." She knelt down and straightened out Peyton's suspenders, the straps falling to the wayside  She plucked one of Annabelle's curls which elicited a laugh. Javier hung back, shy, but Nora gave him a warm smile to ease his worries.

"Where are you all rushing off to?"

'We're not rushing, Nora, we're racing." Annabelle answered.

"Racing?" She chuckled. "This isn't the best place to chase one another. One of you can trip and fall down the stairs. I don't want you running around up here."

Then came the resounding "Aw."

"How about we get you all in winter gear and go outside? I think the snow finally stopped falling. Get out there and build some snowmen."

Peyton and Annabelle laughed hysterically and ran into their rooms to get dressed. Javier looked down at the floorboards.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't bring anything.... "

"Oh, I understand." Nora paused, brainstorming.  "I have just the thing. Stay right here."

Nora got up and went to the hidden door hidden behind the tapestry. She put in the numerical combo and went up the stairs to the musty attic. Thanks to all the record-keeping she'd done with Mary, Nora knew just where Quinton's old clothing was. She rummaged in a few boxes until she discovered a few old kids' items - gloves, mittens, scarves, and snow boots. She gathered the dress things and went down to where Javier stood waiting patiently. 

"Tada!" Nora announced, placing the things down. "I know they are a bit outdated. Quinton is a bit older than you but they should fit." 

His eyes alighted in pleasure and Nora helped him into the winter stuff.

"Thank you, Miss Nora."

"Sure. Anything else I can help you with?"

"Does Mr. Quinton Reeves hate me and my mama?"

Nora looked at him with pity.

"No. No. Quinton doesn't hate you or your mama. He was just angry and sad. When people are angry and sad they sometimes say things that they regret later. You understand?"

Javier nodded.

"Yes, I told mama once that she looked like a moose but that was because she didn't let me have another slice of cake."

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