Flicker: Deux

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Quinton sat at his chair, zoning in and out of the conversation that was happening around him. He sat with his "cabinet" so to speak, as they discussed relevant topics pertaining to the wolfen community. It's not that Quinton was disinterested about things like property delineation, and hunting grounds, but the meeting was running longer than he desired. He felt the head ache brewing in the front of his skull. So, when Richard finally stopped talking about his share of information, Quinton was more than grateful.  

"Alright, gentlemen. I suppose that ends the meeting. Is there anything else I should know before I bring this meeting to a close?"

The men looked around and the back at Quinton, shaking their heads "No." 

"Good. Then we shall meet back here on Wednesday, I believe. Have a good evening.

After his final farewell, Quinton hurried out of the meeting room and briskly walked to his office. He was having one of those days - the kind of day where the clock hands seemed to be frozen in place. The day was just dragging on, and the mounting about of paper work that was growing steadily was not helping the time to pass. It was a gift and a curse though and he knew that he was happy to be kept busy. However, today was just not his day. 

He plopped down onto his desk chair, and let out a long drawn out sigh. Where could he find solace? Not in his place of work and not even in his own home. Oh yes, a curse had been placed upon his head and Quinton would give up all his riches in order to have it undone.

He decided to stop his lamenting, just about ready to immerse himself in the rest of the day's task. However, at that very moment, harsh footsteps caught his attention and he looked up as the door was knocked on. 

"Enter." He called.

The door was opened and there stood Blaine in the entrance, a wide grin on his face.

"Quinton!" He said, brightly.

"Blaine, my man." Quinton replied, with a small smirk of his own. He got out his chair and crossed his office, embracing his friend in a quick hug. "You've finally returned."

"Yes! Later than expected, but I'm here."

"Better late than never. How was the conference?"

"Delightful, as usual.  I enjoyed the decor, the dining, and the company. I have so much to regal you with. For instance, there were many a newly mated pair at the ball."

"Oh. Anyone of interest?"

"Beta Jean Claude has finally settled down it seems."

"Jean Claude? That philanderer has a mate? Miracles do happen. The way he went about, you would think that every she-wolf was his beloved."

"Indeed. She's a very lovely thing, too. I think they will make a good fit."

"Yes, the two of them and the ten other mistresses he has waiting on him." Quinton said with a roll of his eyes.

"That may be so." Blaine shrugged, moving to sit in a sofa chair. "However, the ball was all abuzz about you not making an appearance."

Quinton's face fell.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I mean everyone expected you to be there, and some people were sore when they realized that you would not be attending. Especially since news has gotten around about you having a mate."

"Wonderful." Quinton said with every hint of sarcasm that he could muster. "Just what I needed - gossip and tongue wagging."

"Do not stress so, Quinton. I soothed everyone's worry, and t told them that you were preoccupied with a business related matter. They understood. I assured them that you would not miss the upcoming one, though."

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