Flicker:Vingt - Quatre (1/2)

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"And you must always maintain inventory. I like to keep a stocked kitchen. So every evening, make sure you should keep an inventory - how many pounds of meat is leftover, etc. Ensure that nothing is expired and that the produce is fresh. The refrigerator temperature has to be checked daily in order to keep everything preserved. Have you got all that?"

Nora looked up from the notepad that was nearly black with writing. She was on her second notepad, writing down information about how Mary kept Gillans up and running. Nora wasn't sure of how she managed it all. One wouldn't think that a home would require so much care but with the estate being as large as it was, there were always some things to consider. Mary was responsible for the maintenance of the garden and home. There was a schedule for dusting, cleaning, sweeping, and any other tasks that needed to get done. It certainly wasn't a one-person affair and Nora had just become acquainted with the twelve staff members who were behind the scenes. They weren't all in Gillans at one time. However they all, in some way or another, were responsible for some aspect of the estate. Nora hadn't met all of them just a few. She knew Chris and Ben, the head chefs, along with Winnie the head maid. There were so many nuances of keeping the house up to date such as having the appropriate decor come holidays and having the chimneys kept clean.

It was all so much and it made Nora's head spin. Though, housework wasn't a foreign concept to Nora at all. Before and after her mother's passing, Nora would vacuum, dust, and primp the house as necessary. However, her family's three-bedroom house was nothing compared to Gillans with nearly three times that number of bedrooms and so much more other living spaces. Nora remembered being worn to the bone after a full day of cleaning back in Wicks. She was happy that living here in Gillans, she didn't have to tackle anything alone.

"Now Nora, I really don't have to go you know."

"Mary! You're already packed and you've made arrangements. Besides your car will be here any moment."

"Yes but -"

"No buts. It's alright. I promise I won't burn down the place....at least not the whole place."

"Well, I'm alright with a room or two being charred but that's my limit," she said with a wink.

"Alright well I think I am up to speed. Now go get your things ready so you can go off."


Mary walked off down the hall and Nora leaned back against a wall, letting out her breath in a huff. She felt like she was in over her head and she wished she could go back to the days of blissful ignorance when she did not have to worry about many things. However, she supposed that this was all a part of growing up and fulfilling the responsibilities of being a mate to a beta. 

Nora stopped sulking and went over to Mary's bedroom to see if she could be of any help. Nora didn't often frequent Mary's place of living. Mary lived on the main floor of the house in a wing separate from the rest of them. It could be reached through the kitchen. It was a pretty little suite. It had a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and a nice small kitchenette. It was comfy, cozy and warm. The room smelled like a homemade holiday all the time - cinnamon and nutmeg. Fresh flowers were potted on her round breakfast table and fluffy plush pillows covered the sofa that was placed under a large picture of the Lord. What fascinated Nora about Mary's humble abode were the figurines and baubles that were on a large display case. They all were of animals - bears, deer, rabbits. This room was definitely, in every way, Mary. 

"Have you got all your things, Mary?" Nora asked as Mary brought two pieces of luggage up to the entranceway.

Mary wrung her hands together as she looked around the room.

"Well, I suppose...I mean I do have everything that I will require."

"Stop stalling, Mary," Nora said, gently ushering her to the door. 

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