Flicker: Vingt-Deux

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Nora opened the door and almost collapsed under the weight of Tifa, who bombared her as soon as there was enough room for her to squeeze her way. Tifa peppered kisses on Nora's face, and head. Nora tried swatting away at Tifa but it didn't work. She remained trapped in her arms as Tifa gripped her. 

"You had us worried sick, Nora." Tifa said, once she finally let go of Nora. Tifa had not been around when Nora had awakened from her slumber, but once she got word that Nora was awake and well, Tifa cancelled all her things and rushed back to Gillans to see her best friend.

"I'm sorry. I'm fine. Really." Nora responded.

"Well let me take a good look at you." Tifa said, circling Nora. "Ten fingers....arms...legs. Good. I was hoping they wouldn't have to cut off anything from frostbite."

Nora grimaced at the thought of one of her legs being amputated.

"Luckily that was not the case."

"You are something, Nora. First someone almost runs off with you and now this. What next, huh?"

Nora rolled her eyes and sat on her bed.

"Trust me, what happened was not on the agenda. Besides, with the alterations Quinton has made to my room, I will be safe and sound."


Nora pointed to her windows. Tifa crossed the room and pushed apart the curtains. Thick, black, bars were on the windows.

"He had them reinforced and shatter proof glass installed. That's not all." Nora got up and went to the door that was still propped open. 

"This door? New. It's only made to look wooden. In actuality it's similar to a door made for a panic room. There's a code that you have to input to lock or keep it open. If it's forced open when locked or tampered with, a loud alarm goes off. There are a couple of other settings too."

"Do you know the code?"

"No...only Quinton and Mary do."

"Yikes! How do you feel about that?"

"I'm still deciding." Nora answered. "I'm not sure. On one hand I feel like a prisoner, but on the other...I don't want a repeat of what happened. If I were to wander off into the wilderness, who knows if I'd come back?"

"And is this supposed to be armed every night?"

"Until the doctors and Quinton deem it safe for me to be without it. I mean it hasn't been much of an issue because Quinton wakes up earlier than me usually and he will disarm it in the mornings so that by the time I wake up, I can enter an exit when I please. In the event that he's away, I can call downstairs and have Mary open for me. Same thing goes for the connecting door between our two rooms."

"I guess that's a good plan...but still...I mean seems to me like I'm out of a job."

"No no! This is only temporary - until this metamorphosis or whatever it is is over. You can't go! Ever!"

"Yes. Well good because I have no plans to do otherwise."

"Joy." Nora cheered, hugging her friend. "Where were you for the past couple of days?"

"Home." Tifa stated. "I went to visit my family. It's been such a long while since I've seen them."

"Aw well you didn't have to rush back here on account of me."

"Bah. I take my family in small doses. I'll go back down later this month cause my its my grandma's 100th birthday party so, I can't not go."

"Aw wow. That's incredible."

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