Explain it to me

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(AN) I'm writing this while listening to No Phun Intended and I honestly want to cry...
Josh (POV)

I lay awake with Evie attached to my side still asleep. I'm so worried about her because she wasn't taking her medication on tour and I was completely oblivious to it. I love her more than I ever loved anything and I can't risk loosing her for whatever reason. I looked at how peaceful she was and I could feel the familiar feeling growing my stomach. Everything about her is perfect, the way her nose curls up a bit on the end, the way her eyes sparkle when she see's something she loves, the way she sits criss-cross applesauce when she is watching Ghost Adventures, the way she slides her hand across my face when she wants me to be quiet. Everything about her is perfect and if she changed, I would instantly make her change back. I wanted to wake her but I know what she's like when she gets woken up and believe me, she is like a grumpy 5 year old, I will never make the mistake of waking her up again.

I can't believe Debby tried to screw me and Evie up, Debby did a lot of heartless things but nothing like that. I knew she still 'loved' me but in my opinion she only wants me for my money. She broke up with me as we were getting big and now she has seen how big we actually are, and she wants me back. Seem fishy to me. I will never let that snake ruin anything for me. I felt movement from next to me and a quiet grumble. Evie pushed herself up on her arms, her hair a mess, make-up smudged down her face but to me, she was still the most beautiful thing I'm seen in my entire exsistance. I looked her in the eyes and couldn't help myself but to kiss her. I smashed my lips into hers and we kissed for a few seconds until she pulled away

'Joshy, I've got morning breath. Don't kiss me' I laughed lightly at her comment. This is what I mean. I love her that much that I will kiss her with morning breath and it doesn't affect me one bit. She got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, my t-shirt only just covering her bum, much to my dismay. I laughed at my own thoughts and brought my arms behind my head. She returned a few minutes later and got back into bed with me.

'Josh, can you explain something to me?' her question came out quietly and I looked down at her.

'Yeah, shoot'

'What's it like to be so big?' her question took me aback a bit because now I have to think. We really are pretty successful.

'Every show is a exercise in trust building. We are constantly meeting new people and I'm worried that if I don't give it my best, then all the fans will stop liking us. That's what scares me the most. Everytime we have a brake, even if it's just for a week or so. My brain is telling me that if we don't hurry up and get back on the road then the fans will forget, forget everything. They might forget the way Tyler pores his soul out for them, they might forget the amount of energy I put into making sure my drum performance is the best. It terrifies me that we could be forgotten as quickly as we were found. Our aim wasn't to get this big, our aim was to make people stay alive with our music, we had no intention to get this big at all, we didn't think we would in all honestly. But, everytime we see a fan and they tell us their struggles and how our music helped them, it gives me a sense of achievement. Another thing, people have that much trust in us that they tell us their problems that they have faced/facing. Tyler had this one girl message him about how she doesn't know where everything is going for her. She had lost all of her friends for some unknown reason to her and that pushed Tyler to the edge, he was so surprised that she did that, he didn't know what to do, he cried. Being big has give us new emotions we didn't even know we were in touch with. And that's what we love about being so big. Not the money, not the fame. The fans, that's what we love' I finished that with a deep breath, throughout I would scratch my neck or twiddle my hair because I never had to think about it.

'Joshua William Dun, I love you so fucking much' Evie's words came out stressed and urgent and by the time she finished her expression she was on top of me hugging me. She leaned up and kissed me. Between each kiss I would reply the exact same thing just with her name. With every word that fell effortlessly from my mouth, the kiss got deeper until we were both gasping for breath. She wrapped her arms around me again and rested her head on my chest. I felt the smile rise on my face and I knew there was no way I could hide it.
(AN) Sorry this is short but I'm making plans for this story, so I would really appreciate it if you could get my story known.

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