The meet and greet

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(AN) Sorry for the late update but these past couple of weeks have been absolutly diabolical but please enjoy this chapter!!


Evie (POV)

I felt my bare feet hit the ground and I must say I'm glad about that! I've been in the hospital for a couple of days due to a concussion that just wouldn't go away but now I am finally free from the 4 white-washed walls. Josh had brought be yoga pants, one of his baggy jumpers, underwear, socks and my tie-dye Vans for me to get changed into after my shower. I slowly trudged over to the shower room and stripped bare, the shower was already on so I stepped in and ashed away the bleach that had implanted itself into my skin. I finally finished so I quickly got changed, dried my hair and applied a tiny bit of make-up as Josh wanted me to meet the infamous Tyler. To be honest, I'm sort of worried about meeting him, even after the mounds of reassurence of Josh. I slowly took my time getting back to my room and when I finally did, I saw Josh sitting there, scrolling through his phone, I smilled slightly and pushed the handle down. Josh's head snapped up and his eyes went wide

'Wow' he said breathlessly, I blushed but soon replied

'What?' I giggled out, he smiled and dropped his head down shaking it

'You look hot...okay?' he replied obviously embarrassed, I walked over and grabbed his hand

'Let's go, I'm sick of this place' he stood up as I pulled his hand and we were off.

We got into his car and he made sure I was buckled up and then got in himself. When the car started, Bring me the Horzion came on and I started to bob my head to the beat and Josh was drumming the rhythm on the steering wheel. felt my leg start to shake but Josh's hand planted itself on my thigh and gripped it

'It's okay love, don't worry' he smiled and me and I smiled back but then I felt myself start to bit my nails and then his hand grip mine and pull it away from my mouth. I frowned and looked out of the window. I was watching the sceneary fly past and soon I was met with the gravel on a drive. Before I knew it, Josh was already out of the car and holding the door open for me. I stepped my shaky legs out of the car and held Josh for support, he wrapped his arm around me and held my waist tight, I took a deep breath and oved my foot forward with Josh. Everything happened so quickly and before I knew it, we were standing at Tyler's door with him greeting us. I couldn't form any words and everything everyone was saying was all mumbled. My body dropped and everything wnet black once again.

Josh (POV)

Her body fell and I manged to grab her beofre she hit the floor, Tyler looked at me and then moved quickkly so I could lay her on the sofa. She was still breathing so I lay her down and left her on the sofa beofre I went to the kitchen to talk to Tyler.

'What's up with her?' Tyler questioned me, I shook my head

'She was worried about meeting you and I reassured her and everything but then like that happened, I don't know man' I replied rubbing the back of my neck. I swallowed a gulp of water that Tyler placed infront of me. 'I'm going to checck on her' I said quietly before walking back to the lounge. When I walked through the door, I saw Evie with her legs pulled up to her face staring right ahead. I sat next to her and pulled into me

'I'm sorry' she whispered to me, I shook my head and kissed the crown of her hair

'It's okay, Tyler is coming in a minute if that's ok?' I questioned her and I felt her head nod againist my chest. I saw Tyler walk in and stand infront of Evie

'I'm Tyler, and you must be Evie, it's a pleasure to meet you' he extened his arm and she gladly took it

'It's lovely to finally meet you, Josh talks about you all the time' she giggled when she said that and Tyler laughed to. Tyler sat down and we all talked, Evie seemed to be fine now and looked as if she was enjoying herself. I smiled as I knew she was finally opening herself up to people.

A few hours later of talking, I heard a quiet yawn come from beside me

'Tyler, I think it's time for us to go' I looked down as I was saying it and saw Evie falling asleep next me. He nodded his head

'Come back any time' I picked up Evie and Tyler walked us to the door.

'I'll be back in a second, hold on' I said that to Tyler before sitting Evie in the car and plugging her in. I jogged back up to Tyler

'Your smitten Josh' he laughed out. I looked down at my feet.

'Maybe I am' I said while digging my hands into my pockets. We did our secret handshake and before long I was driving back to Evie's.

When we arrvied back at her house, I carried her into her room and started undressing her sleeping frame to put one of my t-shirts on her. After I finished dding that she turned on her side and started sleeping more deeply. I slid my clothes off and got into bed next to her, wrapping my arm's around her tiny waist. She pushed herself into me and with that we both slept through the darkness.


965 words

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