How'd he know?

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(AN) Hey guys, so this is the second half of Should I or Shouldn't I. I promise this chapter will be better


Evie (POV)
We sat in silence eating out Taco Bell until I heard his voice
'Tell me about yourself?' It was a question but it came out more of a demand, I swallowed the food I was chewing and coughed a little
'There's nothing much to know, I was raised in New York and moved her a couple months ago' I replied back to his command and he looked at me with expecting eyes, as if I was going to carry on. I looked down and I think he knew I wasn't going to tell him anything else.
'There is more, I know' he muttered out, I looked up with confused eyes
'And how would you know? ' I snapped back. It sounded harsher than expected and I saw the hurt in his eyes when I said it.
'Your meant to tell me about your childhood. Your meant to tell me how the first person to brake your heart was your dad, how you never fitted in at school. Your meant to tell me everything about your life! ' he replied, his voice getting louder with each word, I flinched, how did he know all of that, all of that was true, how did he fucking know? I took in a deep breath and looked into his gorgeous eyes.
' I was born on 13th August 1990, in a small hospital. We were living in New York and everything was perfect up until I was about 5. My parents rarely argued at all but each night it got worse. One morning, when I was 8, I ran into my father's room ready to scare him as a joke, and he wasn't there. There was a note left on the bed addressed to me
Dear Sweet Evie,
I can't stay here anymore. Me and your mother we don't get on very well and for us to argue every night isn't fair on a 8 year old. I love you so much, more than words can describe. Don't look for me when your older, I want you to live a long, successful life. I love you baby girl, love Papa Dad xx
The letter tore me apart. I was never the same again. My mom pushed me away. School was horrible, secondary school that is. I was the outcast, the problem, the victim. I would come home every night covered in bruises and cuts, of course my mom didn't care. That went on for a couple more years until I finally had enough. I took loads of pills and then everything went black. I woke up a couple days later in hospital. My dear mother has admitted me to a mental asylum. I was there for 6 weeks and then was aloud to leave. I came home to find my mother had got rid of everything to do with me in the house. Including my belongings. At this time I was 18 and decided I needed to leave. I up and left to London for 6 years until I came here.' I finished my life story with tears welling in my eyes but I blinked them back and looked up to Josh. His eyes were glazed over and within a blink he had enclosed me in his arms. I wrapped my skinny arms around his torso and tightened the grip I had on him. I felt his hands brush my hair down and before I knew it the hug had ended. I put a brave face on and looked at him.
'Tell me about yourself?' I said to Josh, a small smile laying on my lips. He coughed and looked at me.
'I've always lived in Columbus and my life was pretty good until I was about 12. One night I heard my parents arguing and because it was pretty unusual to hear them arguing, I went to see what was going on. I tiptoed down the stairs and peered into the kitchen and there stood my dad hitting my mom. I charged towards the door and jumped on my dad to make him stop, it didn't. He flung me across the room and my back hit the wall. I had a panic attack at that moment and of course I didn't know what they were so I didn't know how to stop it, as I didn't know what to do, I fainted. I woke up to see my mom looking over me. I smiled weakly but she didn't return it. She sat down and told me how my father had been cheating for several years and now they are getting a divorce. School came round and I was their victim, panic attacks became more frequent and I was then diagnosed with server panic and depression disorder. I used drums as my vent. I had left school now and barely came out of my room. One day in 2009 I had a text off my old school friend Tyler asking if I could fill in for a gig for his band as their drummer had quit, of course I said yes. After a few shows and gigs, Tyler asked me to join his band as 2 men, I got to travel, play drums and be with my best friend, I said yes within a heart beat. So now I'm in a band. Getting happier until someone comes and knocks it down. I had a girlfriend and she was my world. I asked her to marry me and she said yes but one day she turned around and said that I wasn't to her taste and that she had cheated on me. I was devastated and she's the reason I am who I am at the moment' he finished with a deep breath, he was staring out into the sky, taking in every star that was scattered about. I pulled him into a bone crushing hug and he returned it.
'It's late we better head back' he said as he pulled out of the hug, I nodded my head and helped put everything back in the truck.

We pulled into to the lot outside of my flat complex and we both climbed out. He grabbed my hand and walked me to my door. He bent down and kissed my hand lightly and softly
'Until next time' he breathed out and before I could say anything back, he was already descending down the flights of stairs. I slowly walked into my flat and turned my record player on

I-I-I I've got a migraine and my pain will range from up, down, and sideways,

hank God it's Friday 'cause Fridays will always,
Be better than Sundays 'cause Sundays are my suicide days,
I don't know why they always seem so dismal,
Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle

Twenty one Pilots, my new obsession

(AN) Now the stuff I wrote about Josh's life, aren't true, they are there for the story.

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