Dunno Yet

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(AN) I'm so sorry I haven't updated in over a month but I'm back and that's all that matters, right? Anyway, enjoy this chapter xx

Evie (POV)
I lay awake, staring at my creme coloured ceiling. The room was dark but not so dark that I couldn't see anything that had situated itself in my room. My body lay straight and my hands rested on my stomach eloping together. I hadn't seen Josh in a couple days and he hadn't come into the coffee shop, which was quite unusual considering he would come in everyday. My phone sat silently next to me until it emitted a noise that rung in my eyes. I huffed and leaned to the side, grabbing my pink iPhone 5c. The screen lit up and the name read 'Josh', I slid across and typed my pin in to see what the message was.
'I have something to tell you, I'll pick you up at 1pm' I stared at the text quizzical but replied with a simple 'yeah okay', I couldn't exactly say no as it seemed as if he wasn't going to take that as an answer. I looked at the time and it read 9:49am, I sighed and put my phone back on charge and locked it. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and let my bare feet hit the cold floor. I pushed myself up and padded down the stairs to the kitchen, where I grabbed a bowl, filled it with Fruit Loops and milk and then went and sat cross legged on the sofa. I shuffled about looking for the remote and when I found it, I turned SpongeBob Square Pants on as adult television didn't seem very appealing to at that point in time. I slowly ate my cereal and when I finished I leaned forward and left the bowl on the coffee table. I proceed to go back upstairs and sort out everything I needed to do. My first stop was my bedroom. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my black and white checkered skinny jeans, my A Day To Remember t-shirt with a cartoon Jeremy on the front and matching underwear. I lay my outfit out on the bed and then walked through to the bathroom. I reached into the shower and turned it on. I stripped myself of my clothes and steadily got into the shower, letting the warm water coat my aching body. I leaned my head back and let the water coat my oil filled face, slightly rubbing around my facial features to make sure all the dirt was out. I grabbed my shampoo and started rubbing it around my head making sure every inch was covered in the jasmine smelling suds, I then grabbed my body wash and squeezed a blob onto the sponge and slowly started circling it around my body. I rinsed everything off and turned the shower off, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my petite figure and wandered back into my bedroom. I lowered myself onto my bed and starting moisturising my body and then pulling my clothes on. I grabbed my minion socks and slid them onto my size 4 feet then pulling on my size 4.5 teal Converse. I went over to my vanity and started doing 2 boxer braids on my hair. I then applied some eyebrows, eyebrows, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and then some red velvet lipstick (in that order). I went and stood in front of my mirror and stared at my reflection, I was happy with how I looked so I grabbed my black bomber jacket and phone and went and sat on my sofa watching Victorious until Josh came and got me.

1 hour later (in SpongeBob voice)

The door bell rung twice and I raced to the door to greet my boyfriend. I swung the white object open and embraced him in a hug, in which he gladly returned
'You look beautiful' was all I heard in my ear from Josh, which only made me hug him more. He grabbed my hand and pulled me slightly to the car and I willingly followed in suit. We both got in the car and Josh started driving
'Where are we going' I askes very quietly
'Secret' Josh's husky voice replied, I smiled and nodded contently
'Anywhere is fine with you' I spoke softly and I saw the smile creep upon his face.

Josh came to a stop and pulled into a little gravel carpark. Before I could even reach for the handle, Josh was already there with one hand holding it open and the other hand offering itself to me, to grab onto. I slid my hand into his and stepped out of the car. He slammed the door closed and made sure it was locked before be started walking. We were halfway into the the woods, when we stopped. The only things you could hear was the crunch of the leaves our feet made occasionally.
'Evie, after I tell you this, I don't want you feeling any different toward me' his eyes held worry so I smiled supportively at him. He grabbed both my hands in his
'I don't know whether I told you this but I'm in a band as the drummer. My band is called Twenty One Pilots' my breathing hitched in my throat as I heard those words leave his mouth. He's in the band that is basically how I feel, their lyrics are the words I can't figure out how to say. He looked at me expectantly and I just stood there shocked
'I have your album' my voice came out scratchy 'Vessel' my voice yet again wasn't as confident as it used to be. His eyes widened at me and then he broke out into a smile.
'This doesn't affect our relationship does it?' his voice held a worry tone. I lifted my gaze up to meet his and smiled.
'of course it doesn't, you were in it before I came along, it's what you love, as long as your happy, I'm happy' my words were genuine and I meant every word I said. He released the breath he was holding and let his shoulders drop but then he tensed up again.
'There's something else I need to tell you' he tightened his grip on my hands 'I'm going on a 8 month tour.'

And that's when everything went black

(AN) Here you go, another chapter that I hope you'll love


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