Chapter 17: Rose/Scarlet

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My heart is thumping. Do I do it? Do I knock on that mysterious old fashioned door knocker? 

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I can't make up my mind. But I have to do it. So I do it.

It ten seconds the door is open and there is a lady standing there. "Um, hello?" she says. I struggle for words, and then manage to blurt out, "Mel."

She looks confused for a split second and then her mouth fell open. She took a couple of steps back and covered her mouth. 

"Mel...." she calls out, still shocked. "There's someone here for you...."

Mel skips up the front door, sees me, and drops her empty cup. She runs up and hugs me. "Mum!" she screams. "You came back! But how, why?" She lets go of me and takes a step back. I can see some other kids walking towards us. 

I take a breath and answer, "I couldn't leave you. It was harder than I thought." She hugs me again as her two friend's mouths open. 

"Margaret, Charlie, Scarlet, this is my Mum, Rose. But, just, please don't take her away." Melanie looks worried, frightened. I am too. I could go to jail for years. Suddenly I'm thinking that this is a huge mistake. 

"Don't worry," says Margaret. "We'll sort it out. But Rose, no more crimes. Otherwise, there will be a punishment."

I nod my head, half relieved and half embarrassed. 

"So," I say, "You're not going to report me?" I ask. Margaret shakes her head. "No, the police will send you to jail right away. We wouldn't do that. But, Rose, we can't quite trust you with Melanie yet."

I nod my head, because I knew that this would happen. Thoughts rush through my head, telling me that I shouldn't have given her up. But I don't listen to them, because they are the thoughts that aways land me into trouble. From now on I am NOT going to listen to that evil voice in my head.

"However," continues Margaret, "We'll let you see her. You can come into the orphanage sometimes." 

My face lights up. I can see my daughter! All the time! This is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't want to give her away to the orphanage all those years back, but the police made me because I was a criminal. Now though... now I just want to be a normal person. A normal Mum.

A lady comes walking up the hallway to see what all of the fuss is about. As she gets closer, I squint to see what she looks like, and then, BANG! It hits me. It hits the lady at the same time too.

I know who she is. She is Katy Perry. Not just Katy Perry. My cousin.

"Oh My God!" Katheryn screams. She runs towards me and grabs me. Her arms pull me into a giant hug. "Rose!" she screams. "I've missed you! I've missed you so much!" I turn around and see Melanie and her friend staring with confusion. 

"Mum, how do you, her?" I smile and laugh at the same time. "Sweetie, we're cousins! We were so close as kids!" Everyone looks amazed. I'm just so glad that I have Melanie back.


"MELANIE! MELANIE! Pass it to me!" I yell as I run towards the goals. She does as I say but Charlie cuts in front of me and steals the ball. 

"Haha, sucker," he teases. We both laugh as he runs away with the ball at his feet, towards his team's goal. 

Everyone's been going so well. Me and Charlie are so much less awkward, in fact, we're better than we were before. I'm not sure if you call this a relationship or whatever, but it's close enough. Melanie is living at the orphanage, and her Mum visits almost every day. I ALWAYS have Mel over for sleepovers because I never want to lose her again. 

Mel's Mum Rose has officially stopped her crime life, and now her two main focuses are Melanie and her new job at the radio station. She absolutely loves it. 

Amelia got parents! And not just any parents, her real parents! They gave her up for adoption because they were both only teenagers and they didn't want the responsibility of having a baby, but they are in their mid twenties now, and they wanted her back. It was such an emotional day when Amelia left, but the good thing is that she still visits every now and then. She was so happy, and she's been sending us drawings of her new life.

Mum and I are happy and well, and the only incident we've really had was when fans found out what hotel we were staying at, and the counter lady was so clueless that when they all asked her what room we were in she told them straight away. It was pretty funny though, because we had to get evacuated out of the window and driven away by a truck!

Oh, and how did I forget, Mia is gone!!! I don't know what her new parents saw in her, but I'm glad they did see something!

Back to me and Charlie, the other day he told me he loved me! It was such a happy moment for both of us.... so I told him, "I love you too, you idiot." We both laughed and then smiled at each other.

There's been so many twists and turns in my life, and I'm so glad that the worst one is gone. I have my best friend back, and that's what I care about. There's going to be so many more twists to come, but I know that I will make it through them with the help of all my friends - and my very special Mum, Katy Perry.

Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm finally finished and I'm actually so proud of myself.... there was so much excitement in me writing the last few paragraphs, I thought I was going to burst! :)

Thank you so much all of those people who read this book, whether you read one paragraph or the whole thing, I'm so lucky to have you all. I can't believe I've got over 800 views altogether!!!! There's absolutely no way I thought this would happen:)))))))))))

Thank you again so so so much. I'm not even going to say anything about reading my other books, you're probably sick of me;) If you want you can comment, it would make my day:)

Thank you, from Faith!!!!!

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