Chapter 14: Scarlet

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I sit upright, my head and hands sweating in fear. I just had the worst nightmare ever. It was about Melanie. In my dream she had been kidnapped and trapped and - you don't want to here the rest.

I lean over and look at the clock. When I realise it is 4 o'clock I lie back down, knowing that I should get some more sleep. But getting more sleep after a terrible nightmare that could actually be true is pretty much impossible.

So I just lie there, worrying about Melanie and where she is. Whether she's even alive. I know I can't do much about it, especially not at this hour, and that makes me feel even worse. She's been there through my toughest times, but I'm not there for hers....

3 hours later, mum is up and awake, making pancakes in the kitchen. I breathe in the delicious smell of batter on the frying pan, along with the melting butter. I walk into the kitchen, saying "Mmmm, smells good." Katy smiles and exclaims, "Thanks, Scarlet! I hope they taste as good as they smell." 

I answer, "I'm sure they will. You can't really stuff up pancakes, can you?" Mum grins suspiciously. "Oh, don't be so sure about that. This is the first time in about two years that I've made pancakes. Let's just say I'm not so good at the flipping part." She shows me the previous pancake that she made. It is crumpled into a ball, and half of it it overcooked. The other half is all squishy and gooey.

I laugh. "Okay, I admit it, I was wrong." Mum is still smirking. "I dare you to try it," she says. I stare at the strange-looking batter ball, and slowly edge closer to it. I pick it out of her hand and take a tiny bite.

"Mmm!" I exclaim. "This is actually really good!" It tastes really good, with the crunchy shell and gooey insides. Mum looks at me like I've just eaten bark and told her it tastes good. She says, "Um okay, you can have all the crap ones then." I nod my head, pleased at the new food that I've discovered.

When the pancakes are all made we sit down on the couch (I'm glad my new mum's not strict!) and begin putting our toppings on the first pancake. On the table in front of us it looks like a make-your-own pancake parlour. There is one huge row of ingredients, which includes ice-cream, blueberries, honey, maple syrup, strawberries, sugar, jam, lemon and lime juice and bananas. 

"Thanks mum," I say at the end of breakfast, holding my tummy. "I think I might have eaten just a little bit too much." Mum nods her head. She too is holding her stomach. "I'm never making that many again," she says.

Mum goes and gets out her sketchbook. She plops back down on the couch and asks, "Do you want to see some of the lyrics for the new song?" I nod my head delightedly. She flips open the book and flips the pages until she finds the one she's up to. When she does this I see some of the songs that Katy wrote herself, like Hot and Cold, Roar, Wide Awake and Firework. When she finds her page I immediately start reading. This is what it says.

That feeling, I know I've got that feeling now. 
That feeling where you know your not alone.

That feeling, is travelling through my skin and through my bones.

One day can change your life, listen to me,
One day can change your life, girl you have to agree.
One great decision leads to another.
Whether it's conquering the world,
Or being a great mother.

"That's it so far," Katy smiles. My heart pounds as I read the last line again. She wrote that song about me? 

That's when she starts to sing it. 

It's even more beautiful out loud than it is on paper. Her voice sounds amazing. All I can think is, she really loves me.


"Amelia! Ava! Hi!" I shout from the other end of the corridor. I run up to them. "Guys!" I exclaim. "Guess what happened!"

"What?" asks Ava. I answer, "Katy is writing a new song... all about me!" Ava and Amelia squeal. "That's so cool Scar!" shouts Amelia. "You're gonna be a star!" yells Ava. We all laugh, giggle and squeal until we hear Charlie's voice yell as he comes around the corner, "Guys, can you turn it down a little we're trying-" He stops when he sees me. "Oh, hi Scarlet," he says as he blushes. "Sorry, I didn't know it was you."

I laugh. "It's alright Charlie." Then I jump towards him. "Guess what?" I say. "What?" he asks. "Mum's writing a song about me!" I say again.

"That's awesome!" he says. "You're so lucky!" I smile at him, and he smiles back at me. I'm glad I still have most of my friends. 

"So, what should we do?" asks Ava. I think. Amelia thinks. Ava thinks. And Charlie thinks. We all just stand there thinking of something to do.

Then in burst one of the girls, Jenna. "Hey," she yells. "We're all playing a massive game of hide-and-seek, do you guys wanna play?" We all nod our heads excitedly. We don't have whole-building hide-and-seeks very much, but when we do they are always fun. It's even funner when nearly everyone in the orphanage is playing, like right now.

In the first round Zach, Mina and Olivia are in. I sprint off, knowing the perfect place to hide. I burst through the door to my old room and sneak into the bathroom. On my way past I see Mia hiding under the bed and I poke my tongue out at her. She stares at me like I've poked my tongue out at the Queen of England.

I open up the drawers below the sink and squish in. The only thing in there is a pole, 2 toilet paper rolls and some soap so it's actually not too uncomfortable.

After ages of sitting in the cupboard Zach finally opens the doors and sees me. He asks, "Whoa, did that hurt?" I shake my head. "No, not really." He laughs and helps me out. I thank him and go back to the meeting point.

As I step into the room I realise that I must have been one of the last people to be found. All of my friends are there but I can only think of 5 people that aren't in the room.

One by one they walk in, the last person with the people who where in. "Who'd you find first?" somebody yells. 

Zach replies, "I found Georgia first." "I found Dennis," says Mina. "And I found Max," answers Olivia.

The three people whose names were said step to the front and start counting. I find a hiding spot in the cupboard near where they are. I hear the three people start counting down. "Five, four, three-"

On three the cupboard door opens, and in climbs Charlie. He shuts the door right on time. "Sorry," he whispers. "No where else to hide."

Hello again! Sorry, I've gotten really bad at remembering to post - oops! :)

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