Chapter 9: Katy

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I am so glad that Scarlet called the police. Everyone is out of this place.

The police got everyone away and if anyone comes back, they'll get a huge fine. The people who smashed the glass got fines as well, for damaging private property and attempted break and enter.

Right now Scarlet is in bed and I'm sitting on the couch, thinking about the concerts that I'm about to do in Australia. I'm going there for about a month, just touring and doing random concerts. Really, I think it's more of a break than work. I get to experience the down under again, while doing what I love - singing. There's no busy schedules or things to get done, only a concert twice a week, and even then they'll be chilled. 


The only problem is Scarlet. I'm not saying she's a problem, but I'm not sure whether she would like to come with me or stay at the orphanage for a month. I really want her to come, but I'm not too sure that she'd be able to leave her friends behind for a whole month. This is the first time she hasn't been without them.

So, I'm going to ask her in the morning.

I'm really nervous. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. The disappointment I'd feel if she said no...

But right now, I have to go to bed.


I wake up, feeling shaky and cold. I peek into Scarlet's bedroom to see if she is awake, and discover that she is not anywhere in her room. She must be making her breakfast.

I walk out into the kitchen and funnily enough see her sweeping the floor. The broom travels back and forth with each brush.

"What are you doing?" I ask, giggling. Scarlet looks up and then a confused look spreads across her face.

"Don't I have to earn my keep?" she asks suspiciously. I laugh. "You don't have to do jobs at 7 in the morning! And besides, I'm the sweeper here, it's my favourite job." Scarlet looks happy that she doesn't have to sweep.

"Good," she says. "I hate sweeping."

Scarlet is so funny sometimes, and she doesn't even notice it.

She opens the door to the garage and puts the broom in there. Then she walks back into the kitchen with me. 

"Have you had breakfast?" she asks, although she already knows I only got up just then. I shake my head and say, "But don't make it for me. I can make it." She nods her head and sits down at the table, ready to talk to me. 

When I have made my breakfast, I sit down at the table also, and gulp down a mouthful of puffy rice bubbles with yoghurt. Some people think that that is strange, but I certainly don't. It tastes delicious.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask. Scarlet answers, "I don't know. Just chill, I think." I nod my head in agreement. I really can't be bothered doing anything today. Especially after all that drama.

I finish breakfast while we chat about normal things. I haven't chatted normally for ages, because of course everyone except my friends and Scarlet only want to talk about my career.

Oh. My career. I have to tell Scarlet about the Down Under Tour.

"I need to tell you something," I say as calmly as I can. She nods her head so I breath in deeply. Then I exhale and begin talking.

"So, I'm doing this tour soon, in about two weeks. I'm going to be going to Australia, and I'm not sure if you would like to come or not. So I'm leaving it up to you, I really don't mind." Actually, I do mind. I mind a lot, but I don't want to make the decision hard for Scar. 

"Of course I'll come!" she exclaims. "Of course I had heard that you were doing the Down Under tour soon, and I was actually worrying about the same thing! I wasn't sure if you were going to let me come or not! Thanks so much!" She stands up and walks around to my chair. She leans in and gives me a big hug.

And there goes the weight on my shoulder. I'm so glad she chose to come.

"Of course I was gonna invite you!" I giggle. "Do you think right after I adopt you I wouldn't let you come on a holiday with me!" Scarlet nods her head embarrassedly. I laugh even louder. "Sometimes you are so funny, Scar, and you don't even know."


It's the day before we hop on the plane for the Down Under Tour. We are busy packing, and packing, and packing. Scarlet has a little suitcase and I have about three suitcases.  I've always had to take a million things with me everywhere I go. Scarlet obviously hasn't, because she has hardly been anywhere, except on little excursions and things like that.

"Scar, can I have some help? I need to zip this up but it's basically impossible," I ask, struggling to stuff the scarf that is hanging out back into the suitcase. She comes and plonks herself on it, squashing all the items into the case.

"Thanks," I say when the bag is all zipped up. "That helped." She smiles and goes back to zipping up her own suitcase. When she is finished she sits down on the couch and switches on the huge flat screen tv. She thinks it's so awesome that she doesn't have to share a tv with anyone (except me of course) and it is so big compared to the old ones at Westmount orphanage. They couldn't afford anything too big and beautiful.

"Almost done?" she asks. I look up and answer, "Yeah, I am actually." Then I walk over and sit myself down next to Scarlet. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Are you excited?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. She's been talking about the trip ever since we both knew she was coming.

"Oh yes I am!" she exclaims happily.

So going on a trip/tour... I hope this turns out alright this book I really want it to. It has so far which is a good thing!!! 

Katy Perry! Adopt ME?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن