Chapter 6: Scarlet

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No way. No way no way NO WAY!

"You mean, well, adopt," I try to say. But I can't talk properly. My mind is thinking clearly, but my voice... that's another story.

"Yes," says Jess. "I'm adopting you." OMG! I'm so excited! I'm finally getting adopted! I've been here since I was two years old, and now I'm thirteen, and I'm going to go and live with someone!

But then I stop thinking happy thoughts.


What is she going to do without me? And what am I going to do without her?

"Mel," I spit. "Mel...." My voice trail off and into the distance. The other's are smiling though. Why? Why smile when I say this?

"Well," says Margaret, "Jess has a very busy job.... she can't take care of you all the time. So she's paying us twenty dollars an hour to let you stay here sometimes. Like, maybe one quarter of the time you'll spend with us." This is the best news I've ever heard. I get to live with a Mum, and I still get to see my best friend a lot?!?! Wow!

"What about the paperworks?" I ask.

"There already done," answers my new Mum. "You can go and tell your friends now, if you want." I nod my head and sprint down the stairs, almost falling a couple of times.

"Guys!" I yell as I pull open the door to the table tennis room. "I'm adopted!" The room goes silent, but then there is a cheer. The cheer spreads like wildfire, and I feel like I've just told the whole world that I'm the most famous person to ever have lived. Not like it's any less important than that.

I search around the crowd and finally spot Mel, who's mouth is hanging open. I swear she's going to swallow a fly or something. I make my way over to her and smile.

"Don't worry," I say. But she looks at me sadly.

"What am I gonna do without you?" she asks tearfully. My smile grows even bigger, and so does Mel's confusion.

"I'm staying here a quarter of the time while Jess goes off to work." Mel's confused face grows into a smile and it spread all the way across her face.

"Squeee!" she squeals. We jump up and down together in circles.

"Let's tell the others," I say. We run to our room and push the door wide open.

"I'm getting adopted!" I scream. The girls hug me and say that they are going to miss me (except for Mia, of course), but I explain that they'll still be seeing me a lot.

Soon almost everyone knows that I'm getting adopted, except for one person. Charlie.

"Charlie!" I exclaim. "We haven't told Charlie yet!"

We sprint up to Charlie's room and knock loudly on his door. After ten second when no one opens it, I cannot wait any longer and pull open the door. What I see is not the best sight.

There are boys with towels on and boys half-dressed. They all stop and stare, then they make sure they are fully covered up before they start to yell.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" yells Jack, the captain of one of the football teams. "Couldn't you see we didn't want you in here?"

"Actually, I couldn't, because you didn't answer or even call out to me. So I thought you were all just too lazy to open the door," I say aggressively. Jack rolls his eyes and gives me a speech about how you should always wait for someone before barging in on them.

"Just shut up already!" yells Charlie. "You're not just annoying the girls, you're annoying all of us too!"

Jack rolls his eyes at Charlie, but doesn't speak another word. And I'm glad.

"Charlie," I say. "I need to tell you something." He looks at me strangely.

"Ur, what exactly is this something?" he asks suspiciously. I'm about to tell him to calm down because it's nothing serious, but then I remember, it is serious.

"Well," I start, trying to think of a way to say this. I've never said anything like this before. The most serious thing that I think I've ever said to Charlie was that it was my birthday. Nothing like what I'm about to say now.

"I, I'm getting adopted," I say as I wait for Charlie's expression to change. His mouth spreads slowly up to his cheeks, and his big teeth are showing.

"Congratulations!" he says. "By Jess?" I nod my head. He gives me a big high five and then says, "I hope I can manage without you. You have to visit at least once this year."

My smile grows and I exclaim, "I'm coming a lot! Jess can't take care of me all the time, so when she is working sometimes she'll drop me off here!" Charlie is so excited that he starts jumping around. Mel joins in, and so do I.


"Come on!" I yell as I try to drag Charlie and Mel up the stairs. Today is the day that I am leaving, and I'm so excited!

I pull open the office door and Jess is standing with Margaret and Lucy.

"Goodbye," says Margaret as she pulls me in for a hug. I whisper goodbye to her. Then Lucy does the same.

"See ya!" I say to Mel and Charlie as I run over and give them a quick hug. We all say our goodbyes, even though I'll be seeing everyone again on Saturday, which is in four days.

Jess and I walk to the door and swing it open. We walk into the summer air and go to her car. I hop in I wave goodbye to everyone. They all wave back.

"So," says Jess. "Are you excited?"

"Of course I am!" I exclaim. "Why wouldn't I be?" Jess smiles. This is the first time I've ever sat in the front seat of a car. I haven't ridden in a car for a while.

"Hey, do you want to go to my house? Or do you you want to go somewhere first?" Jess asks.

I answer, "I think we might go to your house. I'm really excited to see it."

"Okay," says Jess happily. She continues driving until we reach a big house. And by big, I don't just mean ordinary big. I mean huge. It is three storeys and is so big and modern. It looks awesome.

We walk inside and the inside is even more spectacular than the outside. The house is so cool and modern. There are so many things that look super expensive, like the guitar that has been signed by lots of famous people.

"I've got to tell you something," says Jess as she points to one of the chairs on the bench. I sit in it, and she takes a seat in the one next to me.

"So," she says, "I'm not really who you think I am." I am now confused.

"So you're mean and grumpy?" I question. Jess laughs when I say this, and I realise that that was pretty stupid. How could a person like this ever be mean?

"Anyway," Jess continues. "My name's not Jess. My name's Katheryn, but you might know me as Katy Perry."

I accidentally almost wrote like James Bond on that last part. The name's Katy, Katy Perry. Sorry it took a while to upload because I accidentally left my computer at school for the whole weekend. Thanks for reading!

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