Chapter 2: Scarlet

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"She through food at me!" yelled Mia after the head of the staff, Kylie, asked what happened.

"No," said Kylie, "I know that happened, but why? Explain from the start."

Mia takes a deep breath in. "Well, I came and sat down at her table. She didn't like me being there and told me to get out of her sight. I said I wouldn't and she got really angry at me. She said that she hated me and that I thought I was so good. Then she picked up my bowl and threw it at me. It hit me in the face and then I screamed."

Oh. My. Gosh. She just lied about the whole thing! That is not what happened.

I interrupt, "Um, Kylie, can I actually tell what really happened now? I think you'll find that Mia's trying not to get in trouble."

Kylie says, "Go. But I don't expect any lying from you, missy, especially if you're complaining that Mia's lying."

I explain, "Well, I was just sitting down with Amelia and Mel when she came and sat at the table. She said the food was disgusting. I said something like, 'oh haven't you ever had spaghetti before.' She rolled her eyes and then started and argument. She said that she has never had spaghetti that bad. I said that she thought she was too good to eat it and she just kept saying that she would never say anything like that. I got angry and flicked the bowl onto her face."

Kylie exhales loudly. "Well," she says. "It looks like both of you have done the wrong thing. You're both gonna have to go to bed an hour early, and you can't talk to each other for a day. Sound good?" she asks. We both nod our heads. We hop out of our seats and walk out of the door. As soon as the door slams shut, Mia gives me a little shove.

"Thanks for getting me in trouble," she says angrily as she storms off down the hallway.

"You brought it on yourself!" I yell. She did, after all.

I walk off to my room and see Melanie waiting on my bed. "How'd it go? Not in big trouble or anything, are you?" I shake my head.

"No, but I have to go to bed an hour early tonight. So in a bit more than half an hour. And I have to not talk to Mia for a day, which is a good thing. Anyway... what do you want to do?"

Mel smiles at me. "I checked just before. There's two iPads that we can use. I hardly ever get to go on the iPads. Do you want to?" Her eyes are speaking to me, yes, yes, you want to say yes, don't you? Pleeease?

Of course I can't say no to that, so we head downstairs to get the iPads. There is one left over, so we decide to take it to Amelia because she likes taking photos on them, and then drawing the photos. I swear, everything in her life is something to do with drawing.

When we reach the top of the stairs, we give Amelia her iPad.

"Thank you!" she says. "Can I do a portrait of both of you?" Of course we say yes, so Amelia snaps a photo of Mel and I with our arms around each other.

"Great," she says as she puts the iPad on the bed. "I'll start now." She picks up the pencil and starts to draw, her hand skimming across the paper. I look at the sketchbook and see that she has already drawn the outline of Mel's face. She is one quick artist.

I turn on my iPad and look at the screen saver. Of course. It's Mia and her friends...

As soon as I think this Mia walks in with Kaitlin and Chloe. Her long, light brown hair swishes as she walks in front of the fan. She sits down on her bed with no iPad. Ha. We bet her to it.

"What are you guys doing?" she asks annoyingly. I roll my eyes and continue to wait for the game to load.

"Not answering me, are you? That's nice to know," she says. I am not going to talk to her.

"Aaaww, you don't have to be so mean, Scarlet." I know she's just going to keep talking. The only thing I can do is ignore her.

"My feelings are hurt..." she says as she bats her eyelashes.

"I'm bored. I need someone to talk too," she says in a not-so-sweet tone.


"Come on, Scarlet. You're not really gonna listen to Kylie, are you?"

Of course I am! I don't want to talk to her anyway!

"Fine. Have it your way," Mia says grumpily. "But next time, you won't be so lucky."

Well, I did what I was meant to. I didn't say a single word to that bully. I think she is really annoyed now, but who cares? I certainly don't.

My game has loaded, so I click the start button. I don't even know what I am playing because I never have the chance to get an iPad. I start clicking random buttons, and after the first level I know how to play.

I accidentally glance at the paper and see that Amelia has done a lot. I put my full attention on it and see that she has almost completed drawing Mel. Her iPad is lying in front of her with the picture still on it. I look at Mel and see her playing a game as well. Then I get a great idea.

"Hey Mel!" I exclaim. "Let's make a movie!" She clearly likes this idea, because she springs off of the bed and we start planning immediately.


"Let's watch it, come on!" says Jessica as she plonks herself on the floor next to all of the girls in our room. They are all so excited to watch our video, and so am I! I think it will be great. I hit the play button with my finger and the movie starts rolling. It is going to go for about five minutes. The words Living in an Orphanage pop up on the screen. Margaret comes walking into the room with a stern face.

"I told you girls not to talk!" she says as Mel and I pretend to act frightened. She tells us off and makes us go and sit in the office. Margaret, looking as mean as she possibly can, takes a seat at the front of the desk.

"No dinner for you girls tonight!" she yells strictly. "I am serious. Do you hear me!" Mel and I nod our heads sadly.

We go to bed with no dinner. The words Two Hours Later come up and I sit up in bed.

"We have to run away," I say worriedly. Mel nods and we tip-toe down the long, wooden staircase. We walk out of the door without any one noticing and run away into the night. The End.

There you go. If you haven't already read my other books please do so. Please vote and comment! Bye!

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