Chapter 4: Scarlet

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It's been eight days since Jess came to visit. I really liked her, she just had something about her that made you have to think she's nice.

It is 8:30pm, so we all have to go to bed in half an hour. I have my pj's on and am sitting up in bed, reading a book from the library. I'm really enjoying it, because it is all about animals, and I like animals. Not as much as some people, but I still like them. I love big dogs, like Great Danes and German Shepherds. I don't really like small animals, but I don't hate them. I've always thought having a wolf as a pet would be really cool.

I continue reading my book until I decide to go and brush my teeth. I wander into the bathroom very tiredly and pull out my toothbrush from the cup. I put a dab of toothpaste on and start brushing away.

As soon as I sit back down in bed, Lucy comes in and says that it is time for bed. We all hop under the sheets and she turns the light out. I shut my eyes, but 3 hour after I open them again.

"Do you think it's safe?" Peyton whispers. I nod my head, but she can only just see me. Just in case she didn't see I say, "I think so."

I scramble out of bed and plop onto Sydney's, and wait 20 or so seconds before everyone is seated on Peyton and Sydney's beds, which have been pushed together. Mia gets the torch from under the bed and puts it in the middle of the circle.

We are going to have a midnight scary stories marathon. The closest thing I've done to this is tell stories with Mel when we are meant to be asleep.

"So," says Jessica, the story teller. "I was in bed and woke up because I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and started walking over. When I was walking back there was a scuttling...."

The girls take a deep breath in when she says this.

"I heard it coming from outside, so I went over there. I slowly opened the blind and..."

"Come on Jessica, the suspense is killing me!" says Amelia jokingly.

She continues. "And I saw this person on the street, and they had a big bag full of something. It was really scary. And I am telling the truth." What could the person have been there for? With a big bag? I hope he wasn't a robber.

"Quick!" whispers Victoria. "I here something!" We all jump off the beds and run to our own as quickly as lightning. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to our room. Someone opens the door, and my heartbeat starts beating 1000 times a minute. After that story, I'm not so sure that this is just an ordinary person....

I open my eyes the tiniest bit and see a person, and I'm not quite sure yet if it is a boy or a girl, walking over to a random bed. They slowly bend down and grab hold of Peyton's arm - she screams when the person touches her.

"Let go of me!" she yells. The person turns their head and runs down the stairs, knowing that someone is going to find them. He opens the door and runs away.

"Peyton!" I scream. "Oh my gosh, Peyton!" I run over to her bed, where she is spilling tears everywhere. Everyone comes and joins, trying to comfort the poor girl.

"She, she tried to take me..." she manages to get out before collapsing into a ball and sobbing as loud as she can. After a while she starts screaming, and I know that this will be something I will never forget. I can't even bare to think of what a difference this event will make in her life.

Lucy and Margaret pull open the door and run over to us.

"What happened!" exclaims Margaret. I breath in deeply. For some reason, I am always the person who has to explain what happened.

"A girl came in, and she tried to take Peyton. But Peyton screamed and the girl ran away." Margaret and Lucy are taken aback by this. They rush over to help poor Peyton.

"Okay," says Lucy. "I'm going to call the police."

She pulls open the door and jogs off to the nearest phone.

"Okay girls," says Margaret, "I need you to tell me everything. Why were you awake? When did she come in? And do you know how?" Oh.... Now we have to tell Margaret all about our little midnight chat.

"Well," I begin. "We, ur.."

"Spit it out," says Margaret, wanting to know the truth.

"Okay," I say. "I give up. We all woke up at midnight and had a scary story marathon. Well, we were meant to, but we only told one story and then we heard footsteps..." I continue my story and soon I am finished. Margaret nods her head, taking it all in.

"Well, first of all, you girls shouldn't have been up so late," she says with a disapproving glare. "But I'm sort of glad you were, otherwise you wouldn't have seen what happened." Well, the only good news is that we were up on the exact right night, and we're not going to get in too much trouble. In fact, I don't think we are going to get into any trouble at all.

Peyton is still crying loudly. I feel sooo sorry for her. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep again if the person wandered over to my bed.

"Back to bed girls," says Lucy. "We'll take care of Peyton." Everyone follows Lucy's instructions, and Peyton stays on the bed, sobbing. Lucy picks her up and carries her down the stairs. She's probably going to let Peyton sleep on the couch in her room.

I put my head on the pillow and close my eyes slowly. I think about the previous half hour and fear runs through my body like electricity runs through a cable. In fact, the fear almost feels like electricity, sparking inside me and making me shiver. I hope Peyton will be all right. But she might not ever really be herself again after this experience.

I told you this chapter was going to be interesting... I actually was scared writing this it felt so weird. Next chapter's also good. So keep reading don't stop. Bye (:

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