Chapter 12: Margaret

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Yesterday morning I woke up to the sound of footsteps. That's strange, I thought. I'm always the earliest carer up. Only carers are allowed to go in these parts of the building.

I got out of bed and opened my door, strangely enough seeing all of the girls from room Mel's room, but Mel isn't there.

"Hey girls," I said and they all turned to me. "What are you all doing here? You know you're not allowed to be in these areas." 

They looked at me worriedly. "We can't find Mel," answered Sydney. I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean you can't find Mel?" I said. Amelia then jumped in and said, "We've looked for her everywhere, but she is nowhere to be seen. We promise you, we can't find her!"

I sighed. "Okay then, I'll look for her. But don't you girls worry about her." I started to walk to the stairs. "She's probably just hiding somewhere," I mumble.

I go down the stairs and come out in the hallway. I then go into the common room and look around, but all I see is Zach, Charlie and Max, the new kid. I appointed them to take care of Max, seeing they are two of the most responsible boys that are around Max's age. 


"Did you find her?" asked Amelia worriedly. I looked at the girls.

"I didn't. You guys were right, she's nowhere to be seen. I'm gonna call everyone to search for her, and there'll be a reward, just to make these guys search extra hard." They nodded their heads. I walked over to the office and picked up the microphone that is connected to the speakers. "Good morning everyone," I began. "We have an urgent matter in our hands and we would like everyone to help out. Melanie Parkington has gone missing. The person or people who find her will get a reward. They will get to go to anywhere they want with whoever they want for a day. Thank you."


And that takes us to now. 

We have been searching for Mel for the whole of yesterday and today, but no one has found any trace of her, so it is obvious that she is not in the building. Today we will be sending some of the most responsible children and a few carers to go out onto the streets and look for her.

I am walking around and selecting the people that I think will be alright on the streets, and who I can trust not to just muck around and explore. I finish choosing so I go up to the office and talk into the microphone.

"Could Amelia, Kat, Riley, Charlie, Ava, Sky, Maria, Sydney, Oliver, Sam, Jackson and Thomas please come to my office immediately. Thank you."

In four minutes everyone is in my office, so I begin talking. 

"As you may know, Melanie has gone missing. We have called the police, but we will need more help looking for her while they investigate. We have decided that you guys are the best and most trusted people, so you will be splitting up into groups with one carer for each group, but the carer won't be with you the whole time. You will be searching the streets to see if you can find anything that belongs to Melanie or even better: Melanie herself. Is everyone alright with that?"

Everyone seems happy with this idea, so I begin to split them into groups. Amelia, Maria and Kat in group 1, Ava, Skye and Sydney in group 2, Charlie, Riley and Sam in group 3 and Oliver, Jackson and Thomas in group 4.

Soon Lucy, Aleece and Jonathan are here, so I assign them all a group to take care of. Then we are out of the door and onto the street.

I end up being in  group 2 with Ava, Sydney and Skye. We are looking in Matthews street, and so far there has been no sign of Mel. I know this is all probably a waste of time but it's better than nothing.

"Do you want to move on to another street? I reckon we've done enough looking around here," I say. Everyone nods there heads so we move on to the next street.


"So no one saw any sign of her?" asks Lucy one last time. Once again, everyone shakes their head. "Well that was useless," says Thomas. I few other people nod, and I can't help but agree.

"Okay, well anyway it's dinner time. Tonight the police are having a search and they will tomorrow as well." So all the kids wander into the eating room where most people are already in their chairs. I line up and once I have my scoop of chicken and avocado pasta I sit at a table with some of the carers.

"Today was not a success," I say as I dig my fork into the bowl. Aleece answers, "I think the only thing we actually did was make a lot of kids tired." I nod my head. "Let's just hope Mel is safe out there." 

Right now the police are out searching for her. No one has any sign of where she is. It's like she just disappeared, we woke up one morning and she was gone.

Hopefully she isn't gone forever.

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