Chapter 9 : P

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"And that one." He whisperes.

I giggle.

"And that one." 

I laugh and smack his chest playfully, which is hard to do since I'm laying on him.

"Guess what."


"And that one." He points at the brightest star in the sky and I smile. "You are more beautiful than anyone of those stars."

"You're to sweet." I said.

"I know."

I roll my eyes and sit up.

We are in our green house and as you probably assumed it's after curfew.

But since I was a repersenative and Draco is a prefect we most likely won't get introuble.

I sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"How much longer?" I ask him.

 I hear him sigh and sit up so his abs are pressing agianst my back.

"Three months... maybe less."

"That's when their due date is." I remind him.

"You know what'll happen if I don't fufill his wishes." He said.

I take a deep breath so that I don't automatically lash out at him.

"Draco if being a deatheater is more important than the birth of our two children then-"

"You know that's not what I meant Em." He said quietly.

I grit my teeth because I know that's not what he meant.

And I know it's not his fault.

But where else am I supposed to spit out my anger? It's not like I can call up Voldy to tell him I have a bone to pick with him.

He probably has a bigger bone to pick with me.

"I'll try as hard as I can to be their for you, but you know after the deatheaters are in the castle, I'm going to have to leave." He said.

"I know. And then Harry will know it's been you all along." I said.

Draco took in a deep breath and gazed up into the sky.

I couldn't help feeling something was wrong. 


"I'm positive it was him!" Harry yelled storming into the common room with Ron and Hermione.

They had went to Hogsmead earlier while Ginny and I stayed in the castle so we could do some charms work.

We both looked up from our books.

"What's going on?" I ask standing up.

Harry was fuming and was to mad to answer me.

"He thinks Draco cursed Katie Bell." Hermione said.

"I don't think, I know." 

My face fades from scared to horrified.

Because I know Draco did it too.

"No he wouldn't do something like that." I protest trying to protect him.

They all look at me sadly.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now