Chapter 1

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James woke to the sound of an owl tapping on the window.

"Open the window would you?" Remus yelled from the bed above him. James was staying at the Lupin's while his parents were on a mission for the ministry and after a very intense game of one-on-one Quidditch - a game that had been invented by the Marauders to settle any bets - James had been demoted to the floor.

"It's your house, you open the window." He replied, pulling the blanket over his head. Remus threw a pillow at him and he reluctantly got up from his makeshift bed on the floor. He stretched his limbs, cracked his knuckles and then opened the window. The owl landed on James' shoulder, pecked his ear hard and then flew to give Remus the letter. "Who's it from?" James asked, picking up the blanket off the floor and wrapping it around his shoulders like a cape.

"Sirius, he wants to go to Diagon Alley and find a new broom." Sirius had broken his old broom on the last Quidditch match of the year. He was sitting on it casually, chatting up a Hufflepuff in the stands when a bludger hit him. His left shoulder now clicks when he shrugs.

"Okay, but breakfast first." James said, as he ran out of the room in only in his boxers, his cape flowing behind him. Remus pulled on some pyjama pants and a robe and then followed him. By the time Remus got to the kitchen James had already devoured all the toast.

"I guess I'm having cereal." Remus sighed, grabbing a packet only to realise it was empty.

"First come first served." James mumbled through a mouth full of toast, Remus gave him the finger. Just then Mrs Lupin glided into the kitchen.

"I do wish you boys would wear more clothes, you're going to catch a cold." She says, pulling the blanket tighter around James and placing a steaming mug of tea in front of him. "So what's happening with Sirius these days?" She asks inquisitively.

"Don't be so nosy, Mum." Remus says, making himself a cup of tea.

"I wasn't. I'm worried."

"Well you should be." James says, suddenly in a bad mood. "He's moved back in with his family. I told him he shouldn't, but does he listen to me – no. He's just going to get hurt again."

"I know, what happened to him when he was fifteen was just awful. I don't know how his parents could do that to their child." She says, walking over to Remus and hugging him. "I feel bad if accidentally hurt my Remus, but to do it on purpose..." She says, shaking her head. "How was he allowed to go back to them?"

"They were never convicted of child abuse. It was Sirius' word against theirs. Not to mention the fact that Sirius went willingly."

"Willingly?" Mrs Lupin echoes, horrified and confused as to why Sirius would go back to parents who have abused him since he was eleven.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure his parents threatened him."

"But why do they want him back?"

"His father is up for an important position in the ministry, he wants to seem like a good person. He wants his family to seem united. I hate him. I don't understand why people like him."

"People don't know him like you do. Anyway do you boys have any plans for today?"

"We were going to go to Diagon Alley with Sirius, he wants a new broom." Remus replies

"Okay well while you're there you need to buy your books for school, this is the last weekend before you leave." She says, suddenly flustered. "I need to go out but the list is on the fridge and you can go to Gringotts and get some money out." She says as she leaves. "Get enough to last you until Christmas." She yells back at them before finally leaving. After they've finished their breakfast James and Remus head upstairs to get ready to meet Sirius. As Remus showers James stares out the window at the house across the street - the house that the Evans family occupy. From his vantage point he can see Lily's window, the one with purple curtains, and it appears she isn't awake yet.

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