Chapter 23

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Lily doted on him all week, long after he'd healed, and James was in heaven. She sat next to him at every meal and in every class they had together - which was all of them thanks to James. The walked everywhere together, his arm around hers. She was always nearby, always close enough for him to touch, to pull close and press a kiss to her hair. They did their homework together by the fire in their dorm, and it always ended with his head in her lap as she played with his hair. Truly, how was his life ever going to be better than this? Lily kept up the same routine the following week, and the week after. Eventually, it just became normal, to always have her at his side, but he never took it for granted - he was the luckiest man alive to be constantly blessed with her presence, he knew that and he was determined not to fuck it up.

"So you're like official?" Myer asked, on a Thursday evening, two weeks after James' fall. James had been called to McGonagall's office, to discuss the outcome of Dumbledore's investigation into what had happened at the game, so Lily had come to the Gryffindor common to spend some time with the girls.


"You're going out with James?"

"I guess so." Lily shrugged, reading over Jen's History of Magic essay, "It feels right. Like it was...inevitable."

"Like soulmates?"

"Exactly," Lily said, distracted, "Jen I don't think any of these dates are right?"

"Are you sure? I copied from the cute Ravenclaw that sat next to me in the library."

"Well, you must have copied from the dumbest Ravenclaw in our year." Lily says, grabbing a quill and starting to make corrections.

"Can I get more than a two word answer from you about what's going on between you and James?" Myer says, snatching the quill out of her hand.

Lily sighs, "What is there to say? We're doing exactly what we were doing before, apart from now we've admitted we love each other." Both girls gasp, clutching each other. Lily rolls her eyes at their dramatics.

"You said 'I love you'?" Jen clarifies.

"Why are you surprised? I just told you he was my soulmate."

"Maybe because at the beginning this term, barely eight weeks ago, I will remind you, you hated him!"

"No I didn't!"

"What do you mean?" Myer asks, incredulously. "You've done nothing but bicker since the beginning of term and I know you had a few dates but I didn't realise it was serious."

"We had a moment."

"A moment?" Jen echoes.

"We kissed. Right before school started."

"You what!" Both girls exclaim, drawing the attention of everyone else in the common room.

"I must have forgotten to mention it." Lily mumbles, flushing a deep pink.

"No kidding."

"It wasn't just the kiss, it was the context, and the things he said...I finally saw him, you know?"

"Not really." Myer says carefully. Before Lily can elaborate, three marauders stumble through portrait, grumbling and agitated.

"James is right behind us." Remus says, joining the girls at their study table. Peter claims the window seat nearby as Sirius starts pacing around them.

"You were in the meeting." Lily says, it wasn't a question.

"We...overheard yes."

"So...?"Jen asks, arching an eyebrow. Myer's worried gaze is fixed on Sirius, his face set in a deep scowl, his body rigid and tense, ready for a fight.

"Snape." Remus finally says, sighing he rests his head on the table. Sirius flexes his fingers around his wand.

Lily frowned, "Sev? Dumbledore's sure?" Her and Severus' relationship had become strained over the past few years. She supposed the tension had started to build ever since first year, when she was placed in Gryffindor and him in Slytherin. It worsened as she spent so much time with the Gryffindor boys. Although, until now, she had never truly been friends with the Marauders, she had only been friends by association, still Sev had never liked that. Rightfully so, the Marauders had bullied him relentlessly in those early years. But they had eased off, well James had, at Lily's request. Their pranks these days were harmless, no longer targeted.

But there had been an incident, last year, at the Whomping Willow. Lily wasn't sure of all the details but Sev had been badly hurt and Remus and Sirius didn't speak to each other for the rest of the term. Sev had also fully cut her off after that as well, he'd switched potions partners and not returned any of her letters over the summer.

"Of course he's sure!" Sirius snarls. "Who else would it be?"

"Surprised he waited this long to make a move, after last year." Peter mutters. Remus visibly flinches and the girls watch him curiously - was the incident last year somehow his fault?

"So now it's our move, and it has to be a hell of a lot bigger than charming someone's broom."

"No, no more revenge. It's petty and childish." Lily scolds.

"Are you kidding? He could have killed James! You think that should just go unpunished?"

"Dumbledore will punish him." Sirius scoffs, "This has to end at some point!"

"Then he can end it! I am tired of being the bigger person."

Myer rolls her eyes, "Please Black, when have you ever been the bigger person?" As they continued to bicker, Lily looked around, realising James hadn't followed the other Marauders in.

"I thought you said he was right behind you."

"He was." Remus says, locking eyes with Lily. "You should go find him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." She nods and leaves.

Eventually finding him, attempting to punch his way into the Slytherin common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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