Chapter 3

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James woke up early the next morning. Unluckily James had positioned his armchairs right in front of the ceiling to floor windows of the living room and the curtains had been left open an inch, and the bright morning sunlight was shining right in his eyes. Quietly, he unfolded himself from his make-shift bed and put the chairs back where they belonged. He headed to the kitchen and made two cups of coffee, it was only just six am but James knew that Lily woke up early, it was why last year he changed Quidditch practice from late evenings to early mornings, so he could have breakfast with her.

He entered the living room just as she was stirring. Crouching next to her face he placed the coffee under her nose and she lazily opened her eyes.

"Good morning." James says, his voice deep and thick with sleep. Lily smiled, sat up and took the coffee while James settled by her feet. "How are you?" He asked quietly, staring intently at the ashes of last nights' fire.

"I'm better. Thank you." James smiled and placed his mug on the ground. He headed into the kitchen and picked up Lily's wand, it was slightly charred but would still work. Back in the living room he took Lily's mug from her and placed it next to his then he took her hand. He gently coaxed her off the sofa and sat her in front of the fireplace. He sat behind her and she leaned back against his chest and placed her lips against his ear - he thought he was going to die. "What are you doing?"

"Just trust me, okay?" She nodded. He carefully placed her wand in her hand and she started to tremble. "It's okay. Trust me." It was his turn to whisper in her ear. He placed his hand over hers' on the wand so she had a tighter grip. "You were chosen, Lily. You are not a witch because you were born into it like me. You were chosen because you have a gift. A gift that you have mastered. You are the best witch in our year. You're better the me, better than Sirius, better than Remus. Better than everyone. Now I'm getting kind of cold so why don't you start the fire." She tried to take her hand away from the wand but he held her tight. "Lily you can do this. You know this spell, you've done it a thousand times." Wordlessly he moved her hand with this, carefully tracing in the air the shape the spell needed - a shape James thought looked like an elf's ear, pointy at the top and fat in the middle. "Incendio." He whispered, carefully enunciating each syllable.

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. James loosened his grip and she shakily traced the shape in the air.

"Incendio." She whispered. Nothing happened and she was relieved.

"Come on Lily. You know how to do this. You have to believe."

"I can't James."

"Yes you can." She took a minute to collect herself. She could so this.

"Incendio!" And there was fire. It was perfect fire. Tongues of orange, yellow and red blending together perfectly and giving off a delicious heat. The flames had a green tinge to the tips which indicated that the magic that they held. James smiled proudly.

"See." He whispered. "I told you. You're the most talented witch in our year. In the world." Lily giggled.

"You don't half hyperbolise."

"Why must you insist on using words bigger than me." Lily giggles again and James smiles, he loves making Lily happy. Lily smiles contently at the fire in front of her, she leans her head against his shoulder.

"Thank you. You don't know how much it means to me." She whispers.

James would have love to have heard those words but he was too busy concentrating on her. Her neck was stretched out in front of him and all he could think about was how much he wanted to pepper kisses up and down it until he found THE spot and then he would set up camp there, sucking and biting and kissing; doing whatever he could to hear her moan.

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