Chapter 10

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The high from the Gryffindor win and kiss on the broom lasted all weekend, but by Monday Lily was back to being plagued by her commitment fears and was desperate to talk to James about what they actually were, considering they had now just kissed in front of the entire school.

But James was distracted again, and since they had just had the quidditch match, and there was no way it was about school, Lily was at a loss and all his distance did was irritate her. By Wednesday she was fuming.

James was oblivious to Lily's foul mood because Thursday was a full moon. And that meant spending all hours of the day with Remus, plying him with chocolate to keep him perky and using every tool and joke in the book to keep him calm. It wasn't easy, because Remus was a panicker. But he panicked about the wrong things. He was always worried that he was going to kill someone or hurt one of us - two things he had never done because we always kept him in check in the shrieking shack. What he really needed to worry about was building his strength, having some food in him and staying calm so they weren't dealing with an agitated hungry wolf.

By the time the sun was falling behind the horizon, Remus was a shaking anxious mess. They ate early to avoid the crowds of people in the Great Hall. Unfortunately, Lily was fed up of being ignored, she stormed to supper and when she saw James sneaking out of the Great Hall with the rest of the Marauders, she snapped.

"So you kiss me once and now you're done with me?" She yelled down the hall.

"Merlin," James muttered, "Let me deal with this." He transferred Remus, who was leaning on him heavily, to Sirius. "It won't take long, I'll meet you at the shack."

"Oh you're going to deal with me." She crossed her arms, indignant, all it did was draw James' attention to her chest."Fuck you Potter." She spat, and turned on her heel. She had barely taken a few steps when his large hand circled her slim wrist and pulled her up the hall and into a broom closet. 

Before she could throw the first punch his mouth was on hers, dominating and demanding but also apologetic. She was determined not to be distracted by a kiss, so she firmly pressed her palms into his chest, Merlin did he have nice chest, pecs toned and firm from years of playing quidditch. She pushed against him, he didn't move, just made an animalistic growl from the back of his throat and fisted her skirt, pulling her closer against him. He pressed her against the doorway, too close for her to be able to think clearly. Finally, he drew back, his hands came up to cup her jaw, gently stroking her cheeks with his thumbs.

"First of all, I kissed you more than once. I think you remember. And you know damn well I enjoyed every single one of those kisses. And so did you." She opened her mouth to protest - what, she wasn't sure. But he silenced her with another kiss that sent her mind spinning. "Second of all," He brushed his lips gently over hers, her eyes fluttered shut and he couldn't help but smirk - he loved the effect he had on her. He trailed his lips along her jaw until they ghosted over her ear, "I am far from done with you." He drug his teeth over he earlobe and she shuddered against him. "But I have something to do with the Marauders tonight," Her mood instantly soured, and he noticed, pulling back to smooth over the frown lines between her eyebrows. "And then I am all yours." She tried to push away from him again but he stood strong, a stupid mountain of muscle. She huffed in annoyance.

"Sure, until you have another stupid prank idea, and go off with the Marauders and forget about me again." She sounded pathetic, she knew she did, but she couldn't help it. She was falling for this boy and he had ignored her all week, so she was feeling needy and insecure. She tried to press herself further into the door, to escape his maddening touch and intoxicating scent so she could continue to stay mad at him, despite the fact she just wanted to melt into him.

"Oh doe," He said softly, threading a hand through her hair and tilting her face up to look at him. "I thought I had made it incredibly obvious that I am obsessed with you. You are on my mind every second of every day. From when I wake up until I go to sleep," Then his voice lowered an octave "And then you even appear in my dreams." She flushed deeply at the insinuation. "Besides, with hair like this," He tugged at the hair he had fisted at the nape of her neck. "And an attitude like that, how could I ever, possibly forget you." He kissed the corner of her mouth and then straightened up. "So to summarise, we kissed many times, it was fucking fantastic. I'm obsessed with you. I have plans tonight but all future plans will involve you. I apologise for neglecting you but you forgave me. So are we all good?"

"When, exactly, did I forgive you" James groaned and hung his head, resting it on her shoulder.

"Princess please you're killing me."

Smirking, she tugged his lips back down to hers with his tie. "You're forgiven, but you better come find me when you're done." He grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her hard.

"See you later little doe." He gave her one last smirk and then they exited the broom closet. She was about to step in and join the girls in the Great Hall when James yelled from behind her, "Oh and feel free you yell at me down the hall any day of the week. You're so hot when you're bossy."

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