Chapter 2

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It quite late by the time Lily made it home. They walked home slowly, as a group of seven, taking up the whole road but it was quiet neighbourhood so cars weren't really a problem. Once they got to Remus and Lily's road Lily went to her house to face her family and everyone else went to the Lupin's. Mrs Lupin was more than happy to entertain.

Lily entered her house slowly, being as quiet as possible. She was hoping that either her family had gone out or already retired to bed - as it was only half seven this was extremely wishful thinking on Lily's part. She walked into the living room and was immediately attacked by Petunia.

"You are unbelievable! You always have to ruin everything!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It just slipped out I swear, I wasn't thinking. It was first thing in the morning and you just dropped this massive bomb on me without any warning!"

"Oh I'm sorry." Petunia sneered, her words covered in malice. "But I thought you wouldn't need any warning. I thought you could see into the future - freak!" Lily couldn't take it anymore, she slapped her sister.

"Lily!" Her mother screeched. "Go to your room!" Lily looked to her father, he was always in her corner, but this time all look at her sadly and nod in agreement. Lily stormed out, slamming every door she came across. Once in her room she was madder than she had ever been; her blood was boiling and all she could see was red. She pushed everything off her desk and when that didn't make her feel better she flipped the desk over.

To her it seemed as if she had been given an ultimatum; be a witch or an Evans. She made the decision very easily. She ripped up the charms homework she has spent all night on. One by one she pulled all her wizarding books off her bookshelf and ripped the pages out of them. Before she knew what she had done her wand was in her hand and the ruined books and homework were in flames. She stumbled back on the bed. Shakily she attempted to extinguish the fire but it just seemed to burn brighter. She ran out of her bedroom screaming. By the time she got to the bottom of the stair the fire was already making it's way across the landing. Lily's screaming gained her family's attention and once she hastily made up a lie for father (she knocked a candle over) he used the landline to call the fire brigade and then they quickly exited the house.

Black smoke bellowed out of Lily's bedroom window and it was spreading fats; wisps of grey smoke were starting to emerge from Petunia's bedroom and the living room downstairs. Lily watched on in horror as her entire childhood was destroyed before her eyes; by her own hand. Her mother and sister were hysterical. Vernon, who had materialised out of nowhere, was trying to calm his new fiancee down but she continued to shout curses at Lily, the insults getting nastier and nastier the harder the fire burned. When the muggle fire brigade arrived they could nothing to extinguish the fire. Anything they did was futile. A fire created by magic could only be destroyed by magic.

"What's going on?" Lily turned around and saw Mrs Lupin running out of her house quickly tying her robe. As Petunia explain in very colourful language what had happened Mrs Lupin looked at Lily who had tears running down her face and immediately understood, she had Mr Lupin call the Ministry.

By now a large crowd had formed and Remus and James were elbowing their way through it. The group that had arrived at Remus' house had disbanded after Wormtail accidentally touched Jen's butt and she broke his wrist.

"Lily what happened?" James asked softly as soon as he reached her. She was shaking and so when he wrapped his arms around her she was eternally grateful.

"I don't know. I was angry, so angry. And I had my wand in my hand and then and then there was fire, everywhere." She explains, confused, stumbling over her words. James tightens his arms around her and she relaxes a little, tears still streaming down her face. She presses her face into his chest, breathing in his scent so that it settles in her bones and calms her mind. Once again, she has to remind herself that she does in fact hate James Potter.

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