Chapter 22

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They let James out that evening, his leg was healed but still weak, and the healers had told him that he wasn't to engage in any strenuous exercise for at least the next two weeks, including Quidditch. Not that it even mattered, Quidditch had been cancelled until further notice. Dumbledore had done a preliminary investigation on James' broom and deemed that it had been tampered with. The entire school was up in arms, fuming at the prankster for spoiling it for everyone. The Marauders were equally as angry, but less at the fact that Quidditch was cancelled and more because someone had come after their best friend. They were grumbling about it as the escorted James back to the Heads dorms. James had tried to take Lily's hand when the left the infirmary, but she had taken a step away from him and nodded for him to walk in between Sirius and Remus.

"I know James has some bullshit agreement with you Lily not to do any more pranks, but this requires retaliation." Sirius grumbles as he hovers near James, who limps ahead, determined not to show that he's struggling.

"Retaliation against who? You don't know who did it." Peter pipes up.

"Then I guess step one is finding out who did it."

"How? Those stands were full of students, it could've been anyone."

"Dumbledore it already investigating it, we should leave him to it." Lily says from her place, a step behind them. Sirius scoffs, and continues to make revenge suggestions all the way back to the Heads Dorms.

As much as Lily wanted to shove the Marauders out of the portrait, lock James in the bedroom and run her hands over every inch of his body so she could see for herself that he was really okay, she couldn't. The Marauders were his best friends and he needed them around him right now.

James collapsed on the sofa, letting his friends inane conversation wash over him. Despite having been unconscious most of the afternoon, he was exhausted, but he appreciated his friends trying to lift his spirits and their determination to investigate what happened to him.

He watched in dismay as Lily propped his pretty much healed leg up on some pillows and then settled in the chair across from him. He frowned, wondering what was going through her head, she hadn't said much since yelling at Sirius on the field, and he desperately wanted to know what was going on in her head.

He could feel the start of a headache coming on and all he wanted was to lay his head in Lily's lap and let her play with his hair until he fell asleep, but she was determined to give him space apparently. The healers had told to her to keep an eye out for an symptoms of a concussion, and she was clearly taking it very seriously. She sat opposite him, a notebook and quill resting on the arm of the chair, her eyes constantly scanning him from head to toe - lingering on his leg, and then over his face.

Two hours of revenge planning later, the Marauders were still in the heads dorms, stuffing their faces with sweets Sirius had produced. James was seriously flagging, barely able to keep his eyes open and Lily looked coiled so tight she was going to snap. Thankfully, Remus seemed to notice and ushered the boys back to their own dorm. Lily didn't move after they had left, just remained her chair, staring at his leg, lost in thought.

"Lily, come here." He said, after a moment.

"I'm okay here."

"Lily—" He stretched his hand out towards her but she leapt up and started pacing.

"Quidditch is dangerous. I have always known Quidditch is dangerous. And I have always know that you are a thoughtless reckless idiot." He let the insult wash over him, he knew she needed to get this out. "Lord knows you've gotten yourself into some situations over the years.I should be used to it. I should be prepared." She stopped her pacing, staring into the fire instead. "But Merlin, the terror I felt watching you fall to the ground—James I have never been so scared in my entire life. Not even after I lost control of my magic before term." God she was cute when she was rambling, James was using all his focus not to smile as she arrived at her point. "My heart, I swear it actually stopped beating. I—" She whirled around to face him, "I love you." She blurted. He could no longer stop the corners of his mouth tipping up into a smile.

"I know." He said softly.

"You—you know?"

He nodded, "Come here," This time she did, sinking to her knees in front of the sofa where he was reclined so they were eye to eye.

"I've loved since I was eleven Lily." His hands came up to cup her jaw, "Since the second these eager green eye completely dismissed me that first day on the Hogwarts Express." She opened her mouth to refute but he swiped his thumb over her bottom lip, not letting her. "You slammed that carriage door in my face without a second thought, but in that moment, that little firecracker stole my heart. And I let you keep it. I knew you were it for me. Someone to push me, challenge me, tell me when I've gone too far. You're the doe to my stage. The other half of my soul. The love of my life, and what a long life we shall have together Lily." His thumb gently swiped away the tear that had escaped the corner of her eye. "I've loved you since the moment I met you, but I know that isn't true for you. Because you kept your heart guarded, it took you a while to warm up to me. And I was a dick. I know that. I had to prove myself to you. Prove to everyone that I was good enough for you. And I think I did." He took a shaky breath, "It was in front of a fire, in Remus' house, when you finally realised what we could be, that maybe I could be good enough for you. That's when you started to fall for me. And I've been doing everything in power ever since making sure you fall as deeply for me as I have for you."

"I think I have." She whispered.

"Then come here." He opened his arms for her to come lie next to him on the plush sofa. She shook her head, sliding in behind him so that his head was lying in her lap. She bent and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

"You're still injured."


"How are you feeling?"



"Tired." He answered, honestly.

"Then rest." She said, stroking her hand through his hair, he hummed contentedly.

"I like it when you take care of me." He mumbled, sleepily.

"I will always take care of you." She promised. "For the rest of the long life we shall have together."

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