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TheTruePrincessKarii you lit as fuck, this dedicated to your gurl


"Bro did you see your daughter on Snapchat?" I looked at Ayo, he was in his feelings

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"Bro did you see your daughter on Snapchat?" I looked at Ayo, he was in his feelings


"She really knew that whole song" I toke a sip of my drink and looked around the restaurant. "You finally 20 man what we doing"

He shrugged "Prolly hitting them strip tonight"

Zay laughed "Nigga our girls gonna murder our black asses"

Ayo smiled "I'll just go by myself then"

I thought about it, everyone knew us in Atlanta "Nahh nigga they gonna rape yo ass, we coming"

I ate the last of my burger and threw away my trash. We made our way back to the hotel, and stop to take pictures at places.

When we got to the hotel, I was chilling when my phone started to ring.


"What you doing Bae?"

I toke the phone from my ear and looked at the caller id it was private.

"Who is this!"

The person laughed "Your don't remember me huh? Well tell that girlfriend or fiancé of yours watch her back"

I started to laugh then hung up. Ain't nobody got to watch they back accept for whoever that was. Ny'Ome can stand her own ground, but imma still text her to tell her watch out.

"Yo nigga let's go" Zay snatched my phone then there it on the bed.

I stood on my feet then brushed my pants off.

-------- ----------- --------- ------------ -

Zay pointed to this girl swinging on a gold pole, niggas was throwing money left to right "Yo who that chick throwing it back"

The girl turned around to me and winked she had curly black hair and these really pretty eyes

The girl turned around to me and winked she had curly black hair and these really pretty eyes

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(Lol she not gonna be the bad guy, she a cool chick so chill y'all)

I looked down at my phone, I got a text from Leyla.

Big sissy: Did you hear from Ny? Sh was supposed to stay with me tonight but I haven't seen her since like 11 this morning.

Nahh but imma call her for u

Bug sissy: I'm afraid something is wrong she left Myles here too, he sleep now but he a crybaby

I'm sure she's fine, ain't nobody fucking with her pregnant ass

I called Ny'Ome, no answer. I left a voicemail and called her six more times. Then I got another text from Mrs Keisha.

Dancing Ke: Is someone picking up Nina or is she spending the night

Can she stay the night.......lol

Dancing Ke: Yeah, everything okay?

Yea, thanks

I walked out of the club and call Ny'Ome three more times.

I heard the door to the club slam. Zavi  stepped out, he was the only one besides me who wasn't high.

"What's wrong dude"

"Man I gotta go right now" I lifted my arm for a cab, it stopped and I got in.

-------- ------------ ------------

"We will stop at Ypsilanti in seven more minutes, you may turn on your devices if needed"

I grabbed my phone and turned it back on, I had multiple missed calls mostly from Ayo but like six from Leyla.

I called Leyla back and she answered instantly.

"Did you find her? Where is she?"

Leyla toke in a deep breath "She's is the hospital right nex-

"How di- why?"

"Someone stabbed her in, sit the fuck down King" she turned on her FaceTime and I turned on mine too. She pointed it to Ny who was laying in the bed like nothing ever happened.

"Where did they stab her"

"They tried to stab her right in the stomach but only got her thigh and ran off"

I held back my tears "Tell her imma be there in eighteen more minutes"

I heard as Leyla repeated it back and hung up.

Some sat next to me, it was the girl from the club. She smiled and stuck out her hand "I'm Vanessa"

I tome her hand and shook it lightly "Teo"

Sh nodded "I know I follow you on Instagram"

"And didn't I see you at a party, tonight?"

I didn't wanna say club cause people would start staring, she knew where she was.

"Yea, I saw you leave the club and I followed."


She shrugged "Cause you looked interesting"

We boarded off the plane and and conversation while I waited for a cab.

"Don't think I'm weird either, I live here. I was just visiting Atlanta" I looked around and laughed. "I just decided to cut my trip short"

I looked at her playing with her hands, she only had a purse "So you didn't bring any luggage either huh?"

"My grandmother will send it all to my apartment, I'll be cool"

A cab pulled up and I go in, she hopped in too "So where you going" I checked my pockets for my wallet, I forgot it at the hotel

"My apartment, you?"

"Hospital for my fiancé"

The cab stopped and I went in my phone case and handed the man a twenty.

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