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I ran to the nursery to comfort Miles in the night as he cried.

Tomorrow marks a month that Jade went missing or left her own baby boy. They are still searching for her regardless. Aunt Yo Yo wanted the baby but I told her I had it. Melvin hasn't seen him yet and probably never will.

I named him Myles after her father because they are identical twins. Her father has been in his life and blames his self for her being missing. In my option he isn't the whole reason she toke off, BUT he is half of the reason.

Myles is a good baby, he didn't cry much during the day but at night, Man that's a different story. He always wanted to be close to me. I could tell because he didn't let anybody hold him, he would cry and scream if somebody would try to hold him.

I rocked him and paced the room humming a lullaby. He started to blink slower and slower. As soon as he fell asleep I sat him back in his crib.

I cracked the door and tip toed in my room. Mateo was sleeping with Nina on his chest. His cries are so faint that only I hear them. On top of that I'm a light sleeper when it comes to crying.

Ever since Nina has been back on her pills shes been calmer and not sleepy like last time. I think its because she's 4 now.

Now that Deja has her own apartment, its just us. She bought a little condo with a beach in the backyard. She doesn't let anybody visit her anymore, ever since she lost her baby girl, Ava in the hospital. We had a combined birthday party for Nina and the triplets. The kids had a little Hawaiian theme and camped out, that was the last time I saw her. No calls no nothing.

Mateo pulled my arm "Come lay down" I laughed cause he still had his eyes closed.

I rested my head on my head on my pillow and fell fast asleep.

When I woke up all I heard was a bunch of laughing. I closed my eyes shut again and tried to force myself to sleep but the laughing only seemed to get louder. I looked to the left of me to see Nina cuddled up with a pillow still sleeping.

I slipped on my slipper and grabbed my phone, to check the time and the baby monitor . I made my way down the hallway making sure to check on Myles, he was sleeping on his back still. I kept walking playing with the antenna of the baby monitor and walked down the stairs.

Mateo was talking on the phone laughing, pacing the kitchen cooking some grilled cheese sandwiches.

I sat at the island and he eyed me, I made a kissy face at him. I laughed as he did it back, ignoring the person on the phone.

Mateo hung up the phone, stuck it in his pocket and made his way over to me

"Good....morning....Beautiful" he said in between kisses on my forehead

"Mornin babe" he toke a glance over to the stove and ran, I laughed

I noticed his attire he had on a blue white beater, black basketball shorts and his hair in a top bun.

"Hey babe?" he turned to me "Who were you talking to on the phone"

He smiled "It was Miss Keisha, Nina dance coach"

Miss Keisha is Nina's dance/pageant coach. She is cool and Nina loves her and her son Malachi. But I would never hang with her she too bougie for my liking.

I put the monitor to my ear, he was still quiet "What y'all talking about?"

"Nothing dance stuff" he shrugged, I knew he was hiding something.

I raised a eyebrow "And"

"That's it"

"Mateo?" I semi yelled

He put all of the grilled cheese sandwiches in the microwave for later and turned to me "Okay, I know you don't fuck with her but you havent been the house in a month. So I told her you and Nina would be over around 6 for a play date"

I cried laughing "Hell no, tell her I'm sick"

He looked at me with sad eyes, I turned my head.

Through the monitor Myles roars became stronger but not loud. I hopped up and gave him the eye like 'We will talk about this later the baby saved you'.

I jogged up stairs and turned the corner into the nursery. I picked up Myles and brought him out of his crib along with his blue blanket.

"Hi baby boy" I cooed

I walked out the room and sat downstairs in the living room. I sat him in his bouncer and went in the kitchen to make him a morning bottle.

Teo and Nina were eating talking to each other.

"Good morning baby girl" I kissed her forehead

"Morning Mommy where is Yo Yo?" I laughed at the nickname she gave Myles.

"In the living room. Can you get a bottle from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave for a minute" she hopped up and nodded

"One minute" Teo said getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

I followed him to the sink"I have friends" he laughed shaking his head

The microwave went off and I opened it and grabbed the bottle. I tested the hotness on my hand and it was warm.

"Mommy what we doing today?" I looked down at her on the floor trying to be upside down on her head.

"Wanna go see Peanut Butter at the hospital"

Leyla just had her twins last night, not everybody was there. So I'm sure she wants visitors.

She looked at Teo then smiled "Yeah and after can we go see Malachi?"

I flared up my nose at Teo. "Hell no mommy don't like her, well see King instead" I stuck my tongue out at Teo as she cheered through the house

------ ------- ------

"Stop picking up that girl she spoiled already" Leyla grabbed the water and eyed me as I toke Gina from the bed.

"Don't get bitchy with me" I uncovered the blanket from Myles's car seat.

"I'm not, it's just" she wiped a fake tear "Bitch they ain't got no chicken, no hot sauce I been here two days"

I laughed so hard I started to feel a pat on my back from Cali, he thought I was choking "I'm fine baby, it's just you mother is so crazy"

He nodded and gave me a little pat "I know that Tee Tee"

I felt a tap on my leg, looked down at Nina "Mommy, how are babies made?"
All the kids looked at me for a answer.

I patted Leyla's leg then put my hand over my chest "I forgot, Nina that was a whole four years ago. Why don't you ask Peanut butter?"

She threw her back and pretend to be asleep.

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