Chapter 15

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"So you mean to tell me that Alex is out the hospital with only a few bruises and sprained neck?" Dria asked again for like the fifth time. We were laying in Monique's bed. Nique on the left, me in the middle, and Dria on the right.

"Yes. " I sighed in assurance.

"Disappointment, disappointment, disappointment one after another," Monique shook her head, "First I thought I would get four pancakes this morning for breakfast and only to find out I only got three. I swear the struggle is real."

After I shook my head I asked Nique, "Is there a time you never talk about food?"

"What! A girl got to eat," She huffed "And I feel like eating Doritos like right now," She added.

"So Mrs. Rodrigues, what will we be doing today?" Dria smirked making me blush.

It's been a week since we start dating, and every time I thought about the fact that we are dating, I just blush; It felt like a dream. My first real boyfriend. He gave me my personal space, he trusted me. However, he was getting more involved with the drug game although I didn't really approve of what he was doing, I couldn't and wouldn't try to stop him because when I met him he was doing it and he got me two bodyguards just follow us around to make sure we were safe; they were only around when we were going out. I loved them already: Big Mac, whose real name was Macoy, and Bars whose real name was Barry.

"Lawd look at her cheeks though," Nique giggled.

The door creaked and we sat up to look who it was. "You busy babe?" Cameron eyes fixed on me.

"Umm," I smiled ats blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Umm I'm hungry. Let's go downstairs Dria," Monique smirked as she and Dria passed Cam at the door.

He came in and lock the door behind him.

"What's up?" I rolled over a bit more giving him space to lay down, "I missed you." I loved it when he smiled he looks so cute.

"I missed you too," I kissed him on his cheek.

"Let's go back to my room," He suggested.  


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'Oh baby let's get naked just so we can make sweet love,' Kareem sang with the nigga on my television. She was sitting in front it and I was watched her; Her eyes glued to some half naked nigga grinding in front her. It was like she adored this nigga.

She focused on him, moving her hips to the music and I wasn't liking this shit. Biting her lips with her hands at her heart as he sang, like the fuck? She was literally having an orgasm with some other guy in front me.

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