Bored bored

299 8 2

Holy schnarg, let me try something!!

Holy crap it did!! please enjoy...

Bored, Bored,

Ok first I'll tell you a bunch of secrets nobody knows!!

Kidding what IDIOT would do that??

No really, that's just dumb.

Now, I will write random stuff!

Drumroll, please!



Yo yo yo !

Buy a cupcake!

Buy a cupcake!

Yo yo yo

Buy a cupcake!

Buy a cupcake for one buck!!


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Spongebob Squarepants!!

Who's yellow, absorbent and something is he?

Spongebob Squarepants!

If nautical nonsense be something you wish,

(Spongebob Squarepants)

Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!!!

Which probably hurts...

I mean, ouch.

Ok I will nonsense you later.

Peace out!!!



Ways to say Hello

Hello! ¡Hola! Konichwa! Bonjour! Swadii! Guten Tag! Nihow!

And also: hey you! I just said hello in 7 different languages!!!!

They say it is the Worlds Best Chocolate.

They say it is made in a secret fortress of gold!

That's a lie.

They talk of it's delicious flavors.

All I saw was almond and regular.

They say it is the worlds best.

I don't think it's all that good.

There is blood on my bed from a bloody nose. But I wiped it off.

Also I'm fine and my nose also survived so don't panic.

I repeat this is a drill not a- wait drill?! I meant ... Meant...

I meant its....

The bloody nose is gone!!!

End of story.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Oh sorry, I don't answer the door to oranges.

I meant to say I'm an apple.

Ok I'll open the door.

Opens it....

Hey! You're not an apple or an orange! You're a straw berry!!

Because it was a knock knock joke!

I hate this neighborhood!!

Did you hear about the fly that destroyed mankind?

Of course you didn't! Why would a fly even BOTHER? He would NEVER overthrow humanity and not get squished!

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