101 ways to Annoy People part 1

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Here is 20 ways to annoy your siblings, you parents, your teachers, and your friends and enemies!

1. (Siblings) Take their diaries and journals and tear out the pages. Then put it up on the walls around your house.

2. (Parents) Talk to them in a funny accent asking where the toothpaste is. Have it in your hand the whole time.

3. (Teachers) Raise your hand to every question and then when they call on you say, "Oh no, I was just stretching."


4. Repeat everything they say.

5. Repeat everything they say.

6. Constantly talk about how awesome their fear is. ("Oh spiders are awesome, and some people are actually scare of them. Can you believe that?!")

7. To very thing they say, say, "THAT'S WHAT CHEEZ SAID!"

(Those also work on enemies, but the following are better:)

8. Put something scary or slimy or icky or something they hate in their hair, pants, desk, and/or everywhere else.

9. Mock them.

O O. O O.

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10. Put their baby photos around school and at the bottom of the pics write, "Courtesy of (their name here)"

11. Give them chocolate milk everyday for a while. Then one day, instead of chocolate powder, give them dirt.

(Also a great April Fool's Prank)

12. Get them to invite you over (like for homework help or something) Say you are going I the bathroom and then dye their milk green. (Always wanted to do this!!)

13. Fill a can of Lysol with boogers, spit, dirt, and anything slimy and offer to clean their desk/table/clothes/face. SPRAY ALL OVER NO MATTER WHAT.

(Works on germ-a-phobes)

14. Fill their soap with toothpaste and their toothpaste with soap.

15. (For any category) Put candles everywhere. Sit in a circle of them looking around and smiling demonically. (or demented smile) when they try to blow out a candle say, 'No! You'll scare away my friends!'

16. Put chocolate in their pants. Melted chocolate.

17. Sing the not annoying song around them. If they say stop sing louder.

18. Make inappropriate noises and blame them. (Example: TOOT! *Gasp!* _____ !<---their name)

19. Name your dog 'dog or 'cat' or 'no-name' or 'taco'.


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