Lost + Confess [ch. 28]

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Jonghyun's POV-

She is so fucking annoying! Everywhere I go I see her. FML!! School end already!

I glanced in the back of the room and saw her staring at me. When she saw me she was waving all crazy at me. I sighed and waited for the bell to ring.


Yess! Finally! Jonghyun run for your life. I ran out as quickly as I could, I can hear her saying oppa,oppa,oppa, but who the heck cares. I finally made it to the school gate. I saw _____ walking and ran up to her. I was about to say hi to her then I felt someone hugging my waist. I turned around and there it she was....=.=

"Damnit!" I yelled in fushtration.

"Oppa, you didn't wait for me." She said, frowning.

"Let go." I struggled.

"Hi _______!" She finally let go of me and shook _____'s hand.

"Hi...." ______ replied awkwardly.

"I heard you're Jongie best friend. If you're Jongie best friend then you're my best friend too!" She hugged ______ tightly.

"Uhh...thanks..." ______ pulled away.

"Jongieeee, let's go out today! I haven't seeen you in such a longg time!" She put her head on my shoulder.

"No thanks" I pushed her head off.

"Aww whyy?" Hyomi pouted.

"I have to go now, bye guys" _____ waved.

"Cause, I'm going with her." I quickly grabbed _____'s hand. She stared at me with a what-are-you-doing face.

"You see...I have this...homework project thing that _____ and I are working on...so we need to go research. So if you love me, you should let me study right?"

"Jongiee why didn't you tell me! Of course I would let you study! After all ____ is your best friend so I'm pretty sure nothing will happen!" ______ just gave me this look. =.=

"hahaha, well got to go, bye!" I quickly walked off with _____. I looked back and saw Hyomi all waving at me.

"I never knew we had a project together." I laughed nervously.

"hehheeh, she's driving me nuts!" I let out a heavy sigh.

"Really. She doesn't look that bad." I glared at her.

"Oh please, if were me, you'll be running your butts off." She laughed.

"Hey, what about you and Yoseob, you get all crazy around him." This time she glared at me.

"He's crazier than you think." I laughed.

"Now do you get my point." We both laughed.

"Where are we going exactly....?" I looked around....I never seen this place before...Where are we.....

"Uhhhh....I never been here before.....did we take like a wrong turn?" She looked at me.

"Don't tell me....we're..."

"Nawww, we're not 'LOST'.Psssh....we just....took the wrong turn...ha.ha.ha" She gave me a you're-dead-after-this look. T___T

"Trust me! WE.ARE.NOT.LOST" After taking many turns. We still ended up in the same place.

"Maybe you should call someone?"

"NUUUU! WE ARE NOT LOST!" She sighed.

"Geez don't cry I'll buy you ice cream after this." She smacked my head.

"Oww!" I rubbed my head. Funny...she haven't hit me in a while...

"Better be chocolate."

"Yes sir!" She was about to wacked me. "I MEAN PRETTYYY LADY!" I covered myself.

A couple more turns, it was getting dark. God where are we!? Then I noticed....THE PARK!

"_____!_____! Look! The park!" I pointed at the park behinh our school.

"Seee! Told you we're not lost!"  We walked passed the park. To think of it, many things happened at this park. I suddenly smiled thinking about what happened at this very same park.

"What?" _____ asked me.

"Nothing....just rememering some of the things that happened before." She chuckled.

"What? Me crying in front of you?"

"Nopee...more..." She kept quiet.


"If I tell you I like you. Will you try to avoid me like last time?" She didn't answer.

I stepped in front of her and made her look at me.

I took a deep breath.

".....I, Kim Jonghyun, the weird,crazy,handsome,dumb, dinosaur, have a crush on Lee _____, the cute,adorable,violence, pig. You don't have to say anything. Just know that I do not give you permission to avoid me." She giggled.

"Were you jealous of me and Key last time?" she crossed her arms.

"WHAT?! ME JEALOUS!? PSSH! NOO!.....maybe a little..." I whispered the last part. All she did was laughed.


hehehe sorry didn't update yesterday..too lazy! :D

yay jongiee confessed! ^^

For those of you who are confused. _____ did not say anything. But she wasn't agaisnt it. Soo yeahh....

Get it? Got it? Good! [:

My Best Friend or My Crush?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon