His Dad.... [chapter 10]

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"What do you wanna do now? Just sit here forever?" I asked Jonghyun.

His dad just came back today...with his new "wife"

Jonghyun hated his dad, when Jonghyun was little his dad was never home. There was only him and his mom.

Soon his mom grew sick and died...Jonghyun was only 10 when his mom left him. Jonghyun said it was his dad's fault so he hated his dad ever since.

"I rather sit here forever than go home and see that jerk face and his new 'wife' and my new so-call mom."

"Well...you can't stay here forever...why don't you just call one of the guys to let you stay in their house for a couple days.."

"I don't want to bother them.."

"Then go home.." he gave me a look.


"Didn't you hear what I said. I.Don't.Want.To.See.That.Jerk." Goshh this guy is annoying sometime..

"Kay then...have fun sleeping here!" I waved and left.

5 minutes later....

"Grrr you're lucky I'm your friend." I'm way too nice..


"Come on....I'm pretty sure my mom have an extra room.." he just blinked.

"Either you follow me or go home to your new mommy" I'm such a good friend.

"Are you sure your mom let?" He asked.

"You've seen my mom before...she can't say no." It's true my mom never say no to anything. I remember one time I wanted a pet worm and she let me keep the whole bucket of mud in my room. Ahhh...good times...

"Are you sure...? I don't want to bother you..."

"Kay then, have fun sleeping here!" I was about to leave but he called me back.

"Bothering you is better than sleeping here anyway..." Freaking dino head, I'm helping you here!

"I hate you." I started to walk away.

"Love you too babe!" he followed behind. We have such a good friendship....


"Mom, I'm h-" my eyes widened.

"Oh ______ Mr.Kim came to visit." Mom got up and walk over to me. I look at Jonghyun, he have an angry look on his face.

"_____, long time no see, and Jonghyun, why aren't you home to meet your new mom?" Mr.Kim asked.

"Why are you here" Jonghyun looked really angry now. I just stood there and watch..I guess my mom didn't know what's going on.

Jonghyun started to walk away. His dad called. "Jonghyun, you have to see her sooner or later, she's your new mom."

"I only have one mom" Jonghyun continued. "And she's gone, because of you she's gone." he glared at his dad.

"You know it not my fault that she died, she was sick." Mr.Kim now turning angry. Mom just stand there and blinked.

"Why was she sick? It's because of YOU. You were never home. I bet you didn't even know she was sick."

Jonghyun was really mad now.

"You know why I was never home, it's because of you. What kind of son are you. You don't even greet me or give me a hug when I'm home, you don't even call me 'Dad'." This is getting scary, my mom and I just stand there and watched quietly. I wish I could do something...

"It doesn't matter if I greeted you or not, YOU WERE NEVER HOME!" Jonghyun's voice made me jump a little, he don't usually yell.

"Don't use that voice with me now, you should atleast respect me a little." Mr.Kim now raising his voice.

My mom whispered into my ear.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"I don't really know..." I whispered back.

"I don't need to respect a person like you." Jonghyun started to walk out the door.

"YOU ARE SO DISRESPECTFUL, YOU DON'T DESERVED TO BE MY SON." Mr.Kim yelled. With that Jonghyun slammed the door with a bang. I looked over at Mr.Kim, he looked very angry, my mom tried to break the awkwardness, but she failed. Mr.Kim got his stuff, said goodbye, and left...."Uhh...how was school sweetheart?" My mom tried changing the subject.

"Mom, I'm gonna go look for Jonghyun and see if he's okay." I left her standing there dumbfounded.


Jonghyun answer your phone you freak.

I tried callling him the 20th times. Where can he be.....


Jonghyun's POV-

I was sitting at the beach playing with the sand, I remembered how my mom would always bring me here when I'm sad...I miss you mom..

Then I remembered about _____, she must be worried...maybe I should call her and tell her I'm okay. I took out my phone and turned it on, about 20 voice messages popped up. I started to listen to them.



"Atleast give me a text...."


"Jonghyun call me and tell me you're okay or something...."


I chuckled listening to these messages, I was about to call her, until someone threw a rock on my head.

"Owww, WTF" I turned around, it was ______.

"That's for not answering my calls." She sat down next to me.

"Sorry...." there was an awkward slience...

"You okay?" She finally spoke.



______'s POV

"Yeah...." he doesn't look okay.

"The stars are so pretty." I looked up at the night sky. I turned around and found Jonghyun looking at me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. Of course you dummy, I didn't eat lunch because of you.

"Duhh! I skipped lunch looking for you!"

"Awwww...you're such a caring girlfriend, gimme a kiss" Jonghyun made a kissy face.

"Eww no!" I stand up and was about to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Let's go eat, I still have those free dinner tickets" Jonghyun started dragging me and called a cab.


"Waaaaaaa....it so bigg!" This restaurant was HUGE. Thank god I jumped down and got second place, this is even better than a 3 days vacation at Jeju island. OMGGG FREE FOOOD ♥


Boring chapter I know....couldn't think of anything hehe

hope you like it ♥

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