Ignoring Jonghyun. [ch. 19]

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"_____, wake up! Time for schoool!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

Oh great...school...that mean I have to see Jonghyun...

After what happened the other night I can't help but feel awkward around Jonghyun. I finished my breakfast and made my way to school. As I walked in I saw Key and Minji holding hands...uhmm I guess it worked. They saw me and waved.

"Hi noona! How was your weekend?" Taemin asked.

"Uhh it was good..hehehe" Not really...I spend my whole weekend thinking about Jonghyun...

"Oh by the way...graztt Key!" I chuckled when I saw Key's face turned red.

"Hehehhe, thanks to your advices" Just then I saw Jonghyun coming this way.

"Uhmm....class about to start.Bye guys" I ran off.

"Class is starting in 30 minutes...." Minho checked his watch.


I was the only one in class. I told Mr.Han I wanted to study so he let me stay. He was all like "You're such a good student, coming to school early to study" and "I'm glad I have such wonderful students in my class".....sighed....

Time passed by and soon it was lunch. I was chatting with Minji and Key was just sitting their nodding and laughing. I bet he doesn't know what we were talking about....I was about to eat my lunch, but then I heard some girls saying "SHINee oppas are here." and I just had to make another run...

"I'm done eating, bye guys!" I ran off once again.

"She didn't even touch her food yet...." Minji said.

Ughhh I am so hungry! I spend my lunch period sitting in Mrs.Park class studying. She keep on talking about how proud she is of me. Goshh..these teachers...



Yesss! I made it! One whole day of ignoring Jonghyun. I wonder how long can I keep this up....T_T


Thanks for reading!! :DD

My Best Friend or My Crush?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon