1525 Winter (QE)

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I wash my skin carefully with rose scented water. Anne said it was what all the ladies at the Austrian court used to keep their skin soft, unblemished, and sweetly scented. I do not normally use concoctions of the beautifying sort but tonight I want to be my best self, so I take her advice eagerly.

My hair is brushed over and over until the thick mane is shiny and soft. I have it clipped loosely beneath my hood, so it will cascade in all its glory down my back. I wear my best chemise, quality material with gold thread lining the hem, the dress I adorn on top is simple and easy to remove. I take care in my movements, allowing the familiarity to steady my racing heart.

Tonight Charles Brandon knocks on my door, his presence is no longer required now that I reside so close to the King, but in a full court with drunk men aplenty I guess it is wise to have an escort. I find his arm a reassuring support, for I am extremely nervous. Having him walk with me over the short distance calms me down and strengthens my resolve, without his presence, I would have ran back to my chamber by now.

I want the King, but thinking the thought and doing the deed are two different things. I am a maid and tonight I feel it. I could back down from my plan, he does not know my full intentions as I have not given them voice, and the notion could be forgotten swiftly.

Yet, my feet keep walking towards his chambers, and my voice does not speak up creating excuses to return to my own rooms. I know deep down that tonight needs to happen, I will be married within a fortnight and my fate sealed either way.

I know what must be done, but the excitement I feel when we kiss and explore, that passion which makes me want to go further is quashed with nerves. Mine and Henry's encounters thus far had been pleasurable and with the connection we shared I only expected them to increase. Yet, some of the ladies had mentioned only pain and discomfort, with no sense of enjoyment in the deed.

As soon as we reach his chambers I am admitted by his house guard, who stand day and night to watch over the King and his chambers. Charles Brandon makes a swift exit as soon as the guards admit me, he likes his drink too and no doubt will be heading back to the celebrations. I take a deep breath, steady my racing heart before walking into the chamber to find a pacing Henry.

"Kat!" He says joyfully rushing close before lifting me into his grand embrace.

I squeal as he picks me up easily into his strong arms, holding me tightly. "Henry!" I laugh as he places me back down.

He kisses me quickly and I can taste the sourness of drink. The joy of his actions and slight redness to his cheeks confirms it, he is half drunk.

"Something to drink, miss?" He says mockingly cutting me a short bow.

"Why, yes! I believe a drink would be in order." I say giggling at his actions.

"As my Lady commands." He says jokingly while pouring one for me.

He is in a giddy mood, he has received nothing but gifts today from all those who seek his favour: Which is everyone at court and beyond. The lavishness of the day has sent him into a boyish humour, who would not be wooed after having so many people show their undying loyalty and devotion to ones self.

"I have a gift for you." He says excitedly.

"You should not have, you have given me too much already," I say in earnest.

I do not refuse him when he places a small carved wooden box in my hands. I open the lid slowly, trying not to appear too eager. I get ready to smile no matter what the present, my excitement should be clear for him to see, although, I have not had to fake surprise and happiness so far over the celebrations.

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