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The room had a beautiful glow to it. All of it's light seemingly emanating from the one small thing in my arms. It's warmth was amazing, it's tiny hand reached out to me and gently I took it, it's tiny fingers wrapping around one of mine. I smiled uncontrollably. This child.

"Sasuto." I smiled. "You're my baby." I touched his face gently. "Your mama loves you so, so, so much." He made a tiny burping noise, his tiny hands flailing around him as he reached up to me. I smiled as I held him in my lap, my eyes focused on his. A warmth grew in the pitch of my stomach. This is a mother's love.

"You're my precious baby, Sasuto...and no one-" I blinked away tears. "No one will ever hurt you. I will keep you safe, and I'll be with you the whole time. I love you so much, sweet baby. I love you...I love you." I looked to the door hoping that Boruto wasn't still there, listening to my embarrassing cooing. I touched my baby's face and smiled at the son that was his face. "I love you so so much."

Something inside of me felt like it was shaking. Something in my gut clenched and I brought my hand to my mouth. I struggled to breath for a moment. My hand drifted from my mouth to my stomach. Something's wrong. The heat kept growing. This wasn't love I was feeling it was pain. A drop of blood fell from my mouth onto Sasuto's forehead. I brought my hand to my mouth in horror. My mouth tasted of hot metal. The red of my blood contrasted with his beautiful porcelain face. His hands flailed wildly in response to the wetness. I could feel the blood pooling in my hands from my mouth.

"Sasuto-" I murmured, the pain growing inside me like a sprouting crystal. I felt my legs buckle forward and I fell, wrapping my arms tightly around the bundle to keep him safe. Unable to keep my hands from shaking I set him aside, and let him hold onto my finger as my body collapsed. My chest began to feel the bright hot pain. My vision blurred to red. It was like my body was being torn open. I resisted the scream that tore in my throat. I held it down, and smiled at my baby. Blood dripped from my mouth, a cough racking through my body.

"Precious Sasuto..." I said hoarsely. "I'm sorry."

My vision blurred with red and I felt my eyes close. I heard the door open and a scream. My husband.

"Sarada!" His voice broke, I heard him crash to his knees besides me. "DOCTOR! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP!!! Please!" His voice cracked again and I felt his hands pull me from the floor, resting me in his lap. "Oh God Sarada, what happened?"

I heard Sasuto begin to cry. His tight grip remained on my finger. He's strong. He will become even stronger. I love you Sasuto...I love you so so much. I tumbled into the void. 

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