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I knelt by his bedside, leaning into the soft cushion of the hospital beds. The nurses had tried to stabilize him, but the only way that they could was to hold him in a constant rest, his heartbeat and breathing had been slowed, it was like he was sleeping. It was better this way, this way I didn't have to see his suffering. I didn't have to see him cry like that. I didn't have to hear him talk on and on like it would be the last thing I would hear him say.

"Boruto!" I heard at the door. I turned and saw my mom, hanging from the doorframe limply.

"Mom!" She rushed over to me and pulled me to her.

"Oh Boruto..." She whispered to me. She sobbed into my shoulder, and I held onto her too. I felt like I could cry. I was done crying. I was supposed to be manly. Men don't cry.

"He'll be okay." I said when she looked up at dad. He wasn't hooked up to any of the machines like we have in hospitals now. Nurses came in every 30 minutes to check him heartrate, and I was kind of frustrated with the medical inconveniences.

"What happened?" Hinata said, touching my dad's hand, taking it in her own.

"We don't know. He just collapsed, he didn't know either. He was looking for me and then he started spasming, he was in so much pain, mom."

"Boruto!" I heard from the door again, I turned and saw Sarada. Her hair was sticking up in weird places, and her shoulders were tense.

"Hey." I said.

"You're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Your dad..." Sarada said awkwardly. "Is he?"

"No he'll be fine."

"Oh...okay..." Sarada said, looking from him to me and back again. "I'll just go... then..." She turned and quickly disappeared into the hallway.

"What was that?" I said to no one in particular.

"I'll tell you someday." My mom said managing a smile, pressing her face into my dad's hand gently. "It's just a girl thing."

"Ew." I said. I watched my dad's chest rise and fall. It happened so slowly. Once every...12 seconds?

"Hinata." Sakura-sama ran in, checking my dad's pulse. "What happened?"

"We don't know." My mom said. "Nothing like this has ever happened before..."

"Any levels of stre-" Sakura stopped. "Nevermind, he's been in way more stressful situations than this." She turned to me. "How was he last time you saw him?"

"He was shaking, he was in so much pain. I had never..."

"I see." Sakura said. "I...have no idea. I'll stay with him just to make sure he doesn't get any worse. Putting him in a coma was probably the best way to contain the seizure. I'll go grab a nurse to-"

My mom gasped loudly. Her hands flew to her chest. She looked at me, her eyes wide. "Boruto."

"Hinata!" My mom slumped to the floor, still holding onto my dad's hand. Her eyes were wide, her heart was out of control. This was just like what happened with my shitty old man.

"MOM!" I held her shoulders.

"'ve..." My mom shook in my arms like a tree during a storm. "Find Sai. Find him..."

"Hinata." Sakura knelt down, taking her from me. I held her hand, she still refused to let go of my dad's hand. Her grip was strong. "Her pulse is uncontrolled. The muscle spasms, they're..." Sakura stopped.

"Boruto." She said calmly. "I'm going to black out in a second. So when my heart beats out of control until when it stops, I want you to hold your hands like this..." She held her hands up to me, showing me how she held them. "And then push them into my chest as hard as you can. My ribs will break, it's okay, you've got to keep my heart beating. If your mother does too.." Sakura held onto the bed, her eyes growing wide. Her breath growing erratic. "You've got to..scream. Scream Boruto..."

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She started shaking.

"Boruto." Hinata said. "Find Sai. Take care...." Her breathing grew shallow. "Take care of your dad...and...and your sister. I love you..." Her chest collapsed and she stopped breathing.

My mom. My dad. My aunt. They were all....

I screamed. 

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