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It was in the middle of the night when it happened again. I had to pee. Again. So I get up trying not to disturb Sasuke but knowing he would wake anyway I made my way to the bathroom for the billionth time. I stumbled through the dark keeping one hand on the wall to feel my way. But then I stopped suddenly in the hallway. Water. Water on the floor. I'm no idiot. I didn't just wet myself. My hand clapped over my mouth as I walked to the bathroom and took a towel off the rack and wiped the water off the floor. I then holding in multiple emotions walked back into the room.

"Sakura?" Sasuke said sleepily. "Why are you just standing in the doorway? If this is an attempt at seduction I'm way too tired for that."

"Sasuke...." I grinned under my hand. "The baby is coming now."

I saw his entire body jolt under the covers and he was immediately in front of me, his hand resting on my shoulder. "Then we have to go."

"Wait, Sasuke-" I blushed bright red. "You're not wearing any clothes."

"Fine." Sasuke muttered turning away from me. "I'll change. Do you want to wake Sarada or should I?"

"I'll do it." I smiled. "Go put some pants on!" My emotions were roaring all around me. It's happening! I'm gonna be a mother again! I'm going to bring another Uchiha into this world. My hand drifted down to my stomach and caressed it. And they will be loved. I walked down to Sarada's room.

"Sarada..." I whispered opening the door just slightly. "Wake up..."

"Mmmm." I heard a groan. "Sarada.." I whispered again opening the door wider. "Wake up."

"'s still dark out...what....could you possibly want?"

"Sarada....the baby is coming."

"Mama!" She smiled ear to ear. "We have to go!" She saw my face react a little. "Of course I'm coming with you!"

"The plan was to call the Uzumaki's over and that you would come a couple hours later just so you could get some sleep..."

"That's unfair! What if the baby is born before then?!"

"The baby won't be born before that. Do you remember how long it took you?"

"Almost a whole day? Yeah, you're the queen of childbirth I know. But what if it's different this time! I don't want to miss when my sister is born!"

"Sister?" I smirked.

"What? I'm allowed to have my biases."

"Something tells me it's a brother." I smiled touching my stomach. "You'll sleep until..." I look over at the clock. "You will sleep until at least 5, and then you can take the Uzumaki's over with you to the hideout, not a second before then."

"Like I'll be able to sleep." Sarada pouted, but her eyes betrayed her. She had dark bags under her eyes and her eyes were still glazed over. She's still half asleep. "Boruto will keep me up asking questions anyway."

"Maybe it'll give you time to prepare and calm yourself a little them? Now, you will wait here until the Uzumaki's get here. Understand?" Sarada pouted again and shook her head slowly before sighing.

"Fine. I promise."

"Good." I smiled. "I will see you at 5:00"

"Sharp!" Sarada muttered crawling back into bed. I knew she wouldn't be sleeping, or at least not immediately. My entire body was jittering, each movement and feeling sending my nerves ablaze. It didn't hurt. Yet. But I know that it will. I've delivered many babies and had one, I know what it's like to have a human being exit your body. That part is not fun. At all.

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