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Images flew through my mind. Some where just flashes of color or darkness, but others were pictures that I could see. But then I heard something. Just a little sound, something I couldn't quite understand...but it sounded like Hinata. For a moment it seemed like she was right there, right there with me, and then there was a flash of light. And voices.

"Don't you dare die on me, you understand?!" Sakura-chan.

"Naruto..." Hinata's voice. I could feel the warmth of her holding my hand. Another flash of color and I saw Inojin standing in the doorway, tears streaming down his face.

"YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE, YOU HEAR ME?!" Sakura screamed. "Just..." Her face softened. "Please...hold on." A flash of bright hot pain seemed to shudder through me and I was launched back into the darkness.

"RIP THE SEAL OFF ME!!!" Kurama screamed. I was in my mind again, the gate where the Nine Tails was sealed away was right in front of me. I stumbled forward, closer to the gate. Everything sounded like a dull roar, my ears ringing, unable to process what was happening. The Nine Tail's chakra had taken over me. I stumbled to the gate, and Kurama's chakra lifted me up, bringing me level with the seal that held him inside of me.

In a complete trance I watched in horror as I hooked my fingers behind the piece of paper and began to pull to rip the paper off of the monster inside of me. The Nine Tails would be released and this would be the end. My hand shook as I slowly pulled the paper away. But just as the sheet was about to give, someone grabbed me.

A flash of yellow hair and I was on the ground again. The man stood, and I felt the roar of the Nine Tail's chakra slowly bleed out of me. I was in control again. He extended a hand to me and I took it, standing up, to look him in the eye.

"You're..." Kurama growled. He stepped between us, keeping the Nine Tails out of my view. He looked at me with an expression I couldn't decrypt.

I recognized him. The long white coat edges covered in flames. "Fourth...Hokage..." Slowly I let go of his hand.

"Naruto..." He said quietly. "I worked it into the seal so that I would appear within your psyche, should the seal be broken to the point that you sprouted the eighth tail. I really wanted to avoid that...Since I had no desire to see you again...Nine Tails." He looked over his shoulder to look the beast in the eye and the Nine Tails growled.

"Then again..." He said looking back at me. "I did look forward to seeing my son as a young man. So I'll call it even."

"Fourth Hokage!" Kurama growled. "Come here! I'll rip you to shreds!"

"Well, if that's the case, I'll stay away." He smiled looking back at me. "Right, Naruto?"

" name..." I said in shock. "How does the Fourth Hokage know my name?"

"Hm?" He said smiling. "Well...I'm the one who named you. You are my son after all." His gaze was patient, he was waiting for me to figure it out. My brain only seemed like it was blank, nothing seemed to get through my thoughts.

"Son? Then...I'm...."

"Yes." Minato said softly. "You heard me. You're my son."

An incredible wave of emotions hit me then. I smiled and then I was crying. I had never had a father for so long. And I meet him now? After the Nine Tails is about to destroy everything? I couldn't help but laugh.

"Fourth Hokage!" Kurama roared.

"Loud fellow, isn't he?" Minato laughed. "Let's go somewhere quiet." Minato snapped his fingers and suddenly we were alone. Without any of Kurama's growls or gloom. I laughed one last time and wiped away my tears.

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