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I've been really slow on writing lately, so to make up for my severe lack of productivity, here's another teaser for y'all! Just to continue to rip apart your Borusara heartstrings! :') To help you understand the time leap go back to the first teaser if you haven't read it already so you understand this one! Thanks guys! 



I listened as I heard her close the door on the kid's room. I'm still not sure how she does it. How she can be a mom, the Hokage, and a wife. To me. I sat collapsed on the couch, I rubbed the scar on my shoulder, it continuing to ache. Would the pain ever go away. It was the worst when the pain from the wound would stray and reach all the way to my heart. I could barely hold consciousness when that happened. It's not too bad today.

"Boruto..." Sarada said softly to keep from waking the kids. She brushed her hair over her shoulder. Her Hokage veil was draped over one of the kitchen chairs. "Are you okay? I know that going on missions like this is hard for you..."

"It's fine, Sarada..." She sat down next to me, putting her hand over my heart. "I have no right to talk about pain when you're the one who's doing all the work."

"It's not that bad. Though I'm sure it would hurt that tiny brain of yours." She smiled tapping my forehead. She sighed, the smile drifting from her face. "But I can tell when you're lying Boruto, your heart closes up to me. I know." She turned to look at me, her black eyes glinting. "It hurts today...does it?"

I couldn't answer her. Her words disarmed me, left me with nothing to protect myself. She moved her hand from my chest to my shoulder, and her hands began to glow with chakra. "You...don't have to."

"I can help you." She insisted, infusing her chakra into my shoulder, instantly everything felt more relaxed. I almost sighed it felt so good. I didn't realize it was bothering me that much. "Talk to me, Boruto." She said gently.

"You don't think that he did it on purpose, do you?" I said immediately opening up knowing it was completely pointless to try and hide anything from her.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't think that he died on purpose? You don't think that he left me behind for a reason?" Sarada's breathing stopped. "It's just...on that day...I couldn't help but feel that he knew what was coming."

"There's no way he could have known..." Sarada whispered. "He would never leave his family on purpose, Boruto. He loved you more than anything."

"I know that." I said, her hands moving over my shoulder like delicate thread. Her fingertips gently pressing against my scar, and I took a sharp breath in pain.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, stopping. Her fingertips drew away from my shoulder in fear that she would accidently hurt me again.

"It's okay." I said breathing out. I let my head fall back against the couch, and I looked up at her, her eyes filled with tears. She looked away from me. "What's wrong?" I asked refusing to look away from her.

"I..." She said closing her eyes. "I...Looking at our kids...I...I just wanted their grandpa to be around for them, for this. For what he's missing." Her hands gently pushed against my shoulder, trying again to heal it. Her shoulders shook, and her hands drew away, her chakra fading. The dull pain in my heart started to act up again.

"Sarada..." I said not finding any words to console her. I reached out to her. She stood up quickly and left the room her hand covering her mouth. I leaned forward, putting my head in my hands. He left me...he left us. He left his grand kids, his wife, his daughter, his friends....me. A brief image of his face flew through my mind...I would never get to see him smile like that again, he would never ruffle my hair like he used to, he would never be late to dinner again, he...he would miss when his daughter got married.

I heard the door open to our room, and Sarada walked back out slowly. She stepped in front of me and I looked up at her. Her face was strong again, not a hint of her emotions left. There were dark smudges under her eyes from crying. "Boruto. I need to tell you something." Something in my heart felt strained hearing those words.

"You're not going away are you?" I whispered.


"You...You can't leave again, not without me. I can't let anything happen to you, Sarada! You can't leave like he did!" I said my voice rising. Before I realized it I was crying. Sarada's face softened and her hand touched my face gently.

"Oh....okay. I...won't leave. I love you."

"Sarada!" I pulled her to me, and I didn't let go, her warmth was what kept me alive. "I...I love you so, so much."

My mind flashed back to an old memory, when we were kids. Sarada had just woken up from her coma and I was beyond emotional. I hugged her and made her promise to me:

I hugged her, carefully not to break her frail body. "Promise me..."

"Whaaaaat?" Sarada said slowly.

"Promise me you won't ever do that again."

"I....pr....promise." The words stumbled out of her mouth. Then her arms reacted, and I felt her hugging me back.

"You're awake." I said tears forming in my eyes again. "You're....really awake this time."


"I love you." I whispered so only she could hear.

"I know." She said quietly. Something in her voice was wrong. Something is wrong. I couldn't meet her eyes but I knew that something was drawing her away from me. That something was about to go horribly wrong. Sarada would have to leave, she would have to leave her family behind to protect the village. My body went rigid. "Boruto...what's wrong?"

"You'll have to leave us." I said letting go of her. She looked down at me with sadness in her eyes. She looked away from me, unable to keep tears from falling.

"Yes. I will." 

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