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Tthe giant double doors at the other end of Ruby's huge room were flung open and Major Lennox came striding in. 

He crossed the room quickly before flinging himself in a squashy green chair on the other side of Ruby's bed. He let out a sigh of relief and slumped down. He had very puffy eyes.

"Are you ok?" asked Ruby, frowning.

Lennox looked up at her as if he had only just realised she was there, "Yes, yes," he waved his hand, "I'm fine, just tired." He suddenly sat up straight, "Hang on; you're the one in bed, are you ok?"

Ruby gave a hollow laugh, which stuck in her throat as a strong wave of pain passed through her chest. "Yeah, I've been better. It seems like the decepticons like to aim for my shoulders."

"That's true," said Tyrese.

"So this button you pressed," said Ruby to Tyrese, "What is your definition of 'they'll all come running' exactly?"

Tyrese opened his mouth to answer, a retort on his lips, but Major Lennox spoke first: "The rest of NEST is still clearing the pyramid mess and dealing with the sun-destroying machine, but they'll have heard the signal, I bet they're on their way right now."

Ruby mouthed sun destroying machine silently to herself. Wow.

Then, out loud she said, "Please could you help me up?"

Ruby sat up very slowly. Major Lennox and Tyrese took a hand each and eased her slowly to her feet. She stumbled forward at first, grateful for Tyrese's firm arm around her waist as he held her up. She growled at herself, superwoman, yeah right.

"You won't be doing too much for a couple of days," said Major Lennox, "You lost a lot of blood."

"Urgh," groaned Ruby, "Stupid decepticons. Did I not get super healing powers too?"

Apparently not. Ruby was still wearing her shorts, but on top she was wearing a thin white vest that was far too big for her, revealing the ugly bandages across her chest.

"You're quite lucky you know," said Tyrese, "The spear missed your lungs by less than a millimetre."

"It doesn't feel like it," Ruby shot back, warily examining the dressing.

"Sorry, my bad..." said Tyrese.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I sort of-"

Major Lennox cut across him: "Mr. Impatient here thought he could remove the spear himself. He tore the muscles across the left side of your chest."

"Sorry, I was only trying to help!" Tyrese cried.

Ruby raised her hand, "That's ok, I know you were, listen:"

The sound of cars racing along could now be distinctively heard from outside. The volume increased with each passing second until it echoed around the large room. 

A black GMC Top kick skidded through the door with a mighty screech. Before it had even come to a stop, it transformed immediately into Ironhide, his incredible bulk making the ceiling look like it was normal height. 

He was swiftly followed by the rest of the autobots, who entered the room in a more civilised way. Ratchet, Sideswipe, Jolt, Bumblebee and the Twins all came forward behind Ironhide, eager to see Ruby, talking all at once in their throaty voices. 

But Ruby could still hear an engine approaching. She took a few steps forward, trying to see past the autobots to the door. They fell silent and moved aside. Ruby's heart soared at the sight of the striking Peterbilt truck only just making it through the doorway. 

Ruby forgot all about her blood loss and painful chest. She rushed forward, a huge smile spreading across her face. She jumped right into the air and flung herself at Optimus just as he transformed. 

He effortless caught her and she climbed to his shoulder where she could put her hands on either side of his great metal face, proving to herself that he really was there. 

A tear escaped and slid down her cheek, "How?" she whispered, her eyes searching his bright blue orbs. He blinked, as if she was blinding him, the meeting of his eye lids making a strange sound.

"Ruby," he said in his deep, majestic voice, "You're alright,"

"Of course I am," she said matter-of-factly, "I only got a spear through the shoulder. You, however, got a sword thing through your chest and were dead." The tone of her voice begged an explanation.

"Well, if what the others have told me is true," Optimus began, "You mended my injuries, and Sam reignited the spark in my chest with the matrix,"

The parts of his chest began to shift, sliding aside so that the strange blue object Ruby had seen Megatron with could drift out into the open for her to see.

"This," said Optimus, "is the matrix. It is the only other thing besides the cube that can give a transformer life, a purpose for which it was not forged for."

"And I must thank you, for getting it back. As soon as I was revived, Megatron stole the Matrix and took it to the Fallen, proving him with the key to his machine,"

Well that explained how the master got hold of it. 

The elevated emotions of the past five minutes left Ruby exhausted. She dropped her squat to a sit so that her legs dangled over Optimus' shoulder, and rested her head against his.

"I'm just glad it worked," she said quietly.

As tired and injured as she was Ruby had never felt so happy and relieved. Optimus put the matrix away and held out his hand, Ruby gingerly stepped down onto it and he passed her to Ironhide, who held her right up to his eyes.

"You could have been killed," he snarled.

"Oh, here we go," Ruby rolled her eyes.

"You've only had basic training; we don't know what your limitations are yet-"

"Ah come on," said Tyrese, "Give her a break, she did stop the decepticons from, what was it, 'claiming our sun',"

Major Lennox and some of the autobots sniggered.

"Fine then," growled Ironhide angrily.

Ruby gave him a small smile and put her hands on his chest, allowing her power to heat her hands to a warm glow. It was the closest thing to a hug she could think of.

"Excuse me," said Ratchet politely, "Do you mind if I try something?"

Ruby stood down from Ironhide and approached him, "No, go ahead."

Ratchet shifted his feet and then pointed one of his lasers at Ruby. She began to giggle; "Hey! That tickles,"

Ratchet held it there for a second longer and then dropped the laser, "Any better?"

Ruby made to take in a big breathe, but stopped short and shook her head; the pain was still extremely sharp despite the shot Tyrese had given her. She stumbled forward. Tyrese escorted her back to the bed, "Looks like you're overdoing it. Come on, you need to rest."

There was a moment of silence; then Major Lennox stood up: "Don't we all have work to be doing? Ironhide, I need those cannons of yours warmed up, I want that machine to be scrap metal by sunset."

Gradually, all of the autobots transformed back into their various vehicles and trickled slowly out of the room, until just Tyrese and the Peterbilt truck were left. Ruby found herself drifting off to sleep much easier than she thought she would. Her final conscious thought was about the NEST team and the autobots, her family. 

----The End. Thank you for being a part of Ruby's story---

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