Forest Battle

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"What about you?" cried Sam, "Where are you going?"

"To fight!" said Ruby, "Now RUN!"

Sam turned and ran into the trees.

Ruby sprinted towards the battle. Every cell in her body screamed at her to run the other way. She felt sick, she was going to die. She couldn't do this. Her fear spurred her on, coursing through her veins like fire. She had to do this.

 Decepticons poured into the clearing, and heroic Optimus was trying to fight them all. He wielded the biggest sword Ruby had ever seen. 

Ruby ran through the battle, an insect scurrying below the decepticon's stomping feet. A hot metallic stench stung her nose and caught in her throat.

Ruby leaped into the air and landed on the shoulder of the nearest decepticon. Ruby felt power warming her palms, and began twisting off the panels of metal that made up the robot's chest. It emitted a high-pitched squeal of pain and clutched it's front.

 Ruby tumbled back to the ground. But she was on her feet in a split second. The robot had seen her.  It's sinister red eyes glowed. Ruby went cold at the sight of such evil.

 The robot pulled a metal cane from behind it's back and slashed at her. Ruby surprised herself and dodged it easily. It vibrated horribly when it connected with the ground; a sound that made the whole of Ruby's body shudder. 

That'll be the dang metal alloys, she thought. She held up a hand, and yanked the cane from the decepticon's grasp. It hovered in the air, levitating like magic. And then she threw it.

It sailed like a spear, straight through the robot's exposed chest. The cane lodged itself there; half of it stuck out of the decepticon's chest whilst the other half poked out of its back. There was a sound like that of an engine dying, and then the robot fell to the ground with a big crash and a puff of sparks. 

Ruby ripped her eyes from the alien and returned her focus to the battle. The noise of her first victory temporarily distracted the others. They glared at her. 

Then all hell broke out. Shells, energy pulses and bullets came down like rain, filling the air with fumes. Ruby had no trouble deflecting the bullets and avoiding the shells, but energy pulses required both hands, and she found herself running back and forth between their clawed feet rather than fighting back. 

Optimus ripped up a tree and smacked Megatron in the gut. Ruby took the chance to get herself together, and came back into the battle with a vengeance. She hopped across the shoulders of the robots, her balance impeccable, deflecting shots back on their shooters. 

She even managed to fight, combining her fists and her abilities; she could punch and kick the lights out of the enemy without ever actually touching them. 

Ruby tore through the line of her enemies, losing her self to the battle. The adrenaline, the power, it was incredible. The smoke made her eyes water, but all her senses were strong. The bracelet hummed, fueling her, pushing her faster.

Megatron got in a good kick to Optimus. Ruby was too far away, she couldn't help. She squeezed her eyes shut as Optimus fell, the left half of his face smashed in. The sound was horrific. It was as if the whole world stopped turning, holding it's breath.

To Ruby's relief, Optimus climbed to his feet, surrounded by uprooted trees. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam hiding behind a tree close by, watching with a terrified expression. 

Optimus was furious. He flung his right arm around, and with a clash, revealed a second sword. 

Ruby dared to hope.

With a roar of anger, Optimus jumped on to the back of the nearest decepticon and hooked his swords into its face. He wrenched them apart, ripping the decepticon's face clean off. 

The battle erupted with refreshed fury; Optimus and Ruby at the center. Decepticons just kept coming. 

Ruby deflected as many decepticon shots as possible, and tried to redirect all energy pulses in Megatron's direction. She wove in and out of the robots, using her hands to direct her abilities until her head spun.

The unthinkable happened. She tripped over a rock, and this stupid little mistake sealed a terrible fate. Optimus whipped round, distracted by Ruby's cry, thinking she had been hurt. In this single moment, a decepticon ran Optimus through the chest from behind.

"NO!!" roared Optimus, the deep rumbles of his voice echoing off the trees. 

Sam ran out of the trees, screaming for Optimus. 

Optimus fell forwards. It seemed to last forever.

Branches fell from all the nearby trees as over ten tonnes of metal hit the ground. The crash of his impact rang in her ears. 

She couldn't believe it; she would not believe it. Ruby sprinted over. The light in Optimus' eyes flickered. 

He looked at Sam, "Run," he said, "Sam, r..." and they went out and he was gone. Sam stared back, pure horror splattered across his face, and then he turned and ran from the advancing decepticons.

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