The Key and The Light

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Ruby ran and ran. Her muscles pumped with power as she raced towards the pyramid faster than she'd ever ran in her life. 

It was as if the strong sun energized her. She felt alive with strength and will. And she was going to stop this master. The sweat on her skin nor the burning smell of metal hindered her.

Megatron tore after her, shaking the earth with his thundering gait. But Ruby pulled ahead, out of his reach.

And so he fired his guns. 

BOOM! BOOM! A stream of bullets rained down on Ruby. 

She dodged them easily without thought. They were nothing. Megatron was nothing to her. Just a mere irritant, an engine idling in the background. She had to stop the master. Eliminate them  both.

Ruby bounded up the side of the pyramid, fifteen, no, twenty feet at a time! Rock crumbled beneath her feet; but she was a bird, and she flew higher, until she was right beneath the master, within his large shadow.

The master released the blue object and it floated through the air, seemingly by its self.

 Ruby's attention switched from him to the object, watching as it headed for the center of the machine. That couldn't be good.

With one final burst of energy Ruby launched her self over the master, somersaulting over the machine and snatching the blue object away from its target.

"My key!!" shrieked the master,

"My key now!" Ruby yelled back, landing neatly on the lip of the pyramid's destroyed tip. Then she bolted back towards the sandy ground.

 The Master came after her, screaming with rage;

"You're going to die!"

"So are you!" she screamed back.

Anger bubbled its way back into her blood. How dare he threaten her? How dare he think he could overpower her? How dare they live when Optimus didn't.

The memory of Megatron calling upon his decepticons to bring Optimus down, the sword piecing his chest, caused fresh tears to spring into her eyes. And she saw red. Ruby red.

 Megatron circled below like a hyena waiting for scraps.

With her blood roaring in her ears, Ruby charged him. Before he could even blink she threw out her hand, lifted him clean off his feet, flinging him back. 

He soared backwards into a wall of the village ruins, crashing through the bricks. 

Ruby ran through the dust. She wasn't done. He was going down. And he wouldn't get back up. 

"You'd better run, fleshling!"

She was, she did. Just not in the direction he meant. He lifted his arm to aim at her. Metal groaned as she ripped it off. 


Ruby let more power pool in her palms, growing and swirling. The killing shot.

Something caught her from behind, something sharp. She stumbled forward and came to a stop, looking down at her self with a frown. 

A spear head stuck out of her shoulder. The building power fizzled out. She raised her hand to the spear, to see if it was real. 

Warm blood spread from the puncture. That master decepticon had stabbed her! How had he suddenly gotten so close to her? 

He could hear him laughing now, a chilling sound. She looked back up at Megatron, swaying on her feet. 

He couldn't get up, his balance was gone. He tried to transform, but his jet was missing a wing. 

A numbing sort of pain was quickly consuming Ruby, she felt as though she was drifting. 

A funny noise came from behind her. Ruby turned back to face the master, falling to her knees in the process. 

Optimus Prime, in all his glory, dropped out of the sky. Like a light out of the dark.

He drew his huge swords and spun into a spectacular attack. Blue and red paint shone bright in the desert sun, swords flashing as he fought, 

In mere moments Optimus reduced the master to a mere metal skeleton at his feet. The dry air filled with oil fumes.

The last thing Ruby saw before she slumped forwards in the sand was a towering robotic silhouette bending over her, casting the world in shadow.

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