Electric Storm

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Realization hit Ruby hard. She threw back her head and screamed. 

A sphere of energy blasted out from deep inside her, smashing everything with unimaginable force. Trees were uprooted, all the decepticons were sent flying. The one closest to her, the murderer, was blasted apart completely. Splinters of metal rained down on her and the body of Optimus. They cut the skin on her arms, bringing bright lines of blood to the surface.

Ruby didn't notice what she had done. She climbed up onto Optimus' demolished chest and began mending him. She used her ability to manipulate metal and bashed out the dents, healed the punctures; she even corrected his smashed face. 

Still the light did not come back to his eyes. Ruby willed with all her might for him to get up. He didn't move. 

With a jolt of hope she remembered the spark in the robots' chests. It was like their heart. She had to restart it. 

She stood up on the metal plate of his upper stomach and pressed her wrists together, loosely cupping her hands. She closed her eyes and focused as much energy as she could muster into a ball. It glowed blue. She opened her eyes and directed it into Optimus' broad chest. 

Energy streamed from her hands. Blue lightning flowed from her to him. Optimus' body lurched from the impact. Yet he did not come back. 

She failed to notice the other autobots arriving and the decepticons fleeing. She didn't hear Ironhide shouting.

More power, she needed to try again. She drew up all the energy she could muster and thrust it towards Optimus. Power consumed her. It raged around her body, caging her in an electric storm.

She screamed again, a sound strong enough to wake the dead.

Ruby fell to her knees and the connection broke. Her hair stuck to the tears on her cheeks. Optimus remained motionless. 

The silver bangle glued its self to her skin. It seared her arm with power.

One. More. Go. 

She got to her feet, closed her eyes and attempted to slow her breathing. 


She searched every corner of her mind, body and soul for energy. She felt it build up behind her palms. Slowly, she brought her hands back together in a cup, placed one foot behind the other to steady herself, and then she opened her eyes and shot the energy at Optimus with all her might. 

Her screams were a now that of physical agony, and they were enough to frighten anyone. The sound brought pain to everyone in ear shot. Ruby felt herself slipping away, but she fought hard to hold on, keeping the energy blasting from her to Optimus.

From a distance she heard Ratchet shout, "Stop her!"

Before the blackness completely claimed her, a metal hand knocked her from Optimus. She flipped through the air. The  connection of blue energy was broken. The last thing she remembered was the smell of fresh damp soil, before her head rolled to the side and she passed out. 

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