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Two men and a woman lounged by the bar. They had unblinking black eyes that locked on Ruby. All three were tall and slim. The woman had brown hair that waved to her waist, and tanned skin. The men had light skin which looked almost transparent in the current lighting. 

They didn't move a muscle at all, remaining unnaturally still.

When Ruby finished her song, the crowd gave one last cheer for her as she jumped off the stage. Many people offered to buy her drinks but she wasn't interested. She elbowed her way through the crowd, heading for a stool at the bar, thirsty for water.

The three strangers moved as one, striding over to where Ruby now sat, like there was no one else there. They ploughed straight through the crowd, oblivious to angry retorts shot their way.

Ruby scowled at her phone. Her uncle still hadn't called. Was he okay? Had his condition got worse?

Ruby looked up as a shadow was cast over her. She smiled up at three people.

"Hi," she said.

"Hello Ruby," replied the woman, "My name is Charlotte, and these are my brothers, Richard and Thomas." Charlotte pointed to them.

"Hi," Ruby repeated. She stood up and offered her hand. The three siblings merely stared at it. Ruby lowered her arm; her smile fading.

"We were wondering if you could help us," said Charlotte, "Can we go and talk somewhere quieter?"

"Um, sure." Ruby replied, her gaze on the brothers. They were still staring at her wrist.

She followed Charlotte out of the double doors, Thomas and Richard brought up the rear. The evening summer air felt warm and still, but Ruby still shivered, suddenly feeling very out of place. Something was wrong.

Charlotte did not look back; her brothers herded Ruby along. The four walked in a triangle formation across the car park and into the main school building.

Charlotte entered the nearest classroom and perched herself on the teacher's desk, swinging her legs. Ruby did not sit, but stood close to the door, though it was guarded by Thomas and Richard. They looked a lot bigger now there were no other people around them.

"What do you want?" snapped Ruby.

Charlotte grinned, "We are very special people Ruby," she purred, "We think maybe you are special too." She giggled, as if the concept of Ruby being special was a joke to her; "Do you want to come with us Ruby? Come and see?"

Ruby narrowed her eyes, her temper rising as heat in her cheeks. The way Charlotte said her name, real-ly care-full-y, as if she may trip on her annunciation, was very irritating.

"What's the matter Ruby? Don't you think you are special?" Charlotte giggled again, and started twisting a strand of her hair around a long and slender fingers.

Ruby thought for a short second; Bloody idiot.

Yet she softened her face and said, "Of course not Charlotte," thinking if Charlotte was going to say her name in every other sentence, she would do the same,

"Where are we going to go?" Ruby gave a nice fake smile and tried to look curious.

"Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Charlotte waggled her finger, "We have to wait a few minutes for our ride to arrive." She pushed her self off the table and walked over to stand opposite Ruby. "While we wait, may I have a look at your bracelet?"

Ruby followed Charlotte's gaze to her own wrist, where she wore a silver bangle, engraved with leaves and flowers.

She tightened her jaw. So that's what those brothers were staring at. She raised her arm, almost to Charlotte's eye level; who gasped, and breathed, "It's beautiful."

Thomas and Richard were also watching closely, their eyes trained on Ruby's wrist again.

Then Charlotte went to take it.

Ruby whipped her arm behind her back. "What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed.

"I just want to try it on." Charlotte replied innocently.

"Well you can't."

At this, Charlotte exploded. Literally.

Ruby watched in disbelief as her skin dissolved to reveal a metal, lanky, skeleton. Adrenaline rushed into her veins, re-activating her heart. She whirled around for the door. Block. By two more strange robotic humanoids.

She slowly backed away. She looked back at what used to be Charlotte. Ruby realised it had guns for shoulders, and a humming noise climbing in pitch informed her that they were about to fire.

BANG. Ruby ducked. The blast blew a huge hole in the wall behind her. Ruby darted out, ending up back in the car park. And she ran.

Ruby slammed into the last car in the lot. Please be open please be open!

No chance.

She risked a quick glance over her shoulder and saw Charlotte, looking human again, strutting towards her. Had she imagined it? A girl that was really a robot? The murderous look on her cruel face was enough to convince her.

Ruby smashed the window of the car with her shoe and flung herself in. Warm blood ran down her arms as she fumbled with two wires, trying to start the engine.

Charlotte was coming closer.

Panic rose higher in Ruby's throat.

"Just start!" she screamed.

The engine revved into life, the most heavenly sound.

Ruby threw it in reverse and slammed her foot on the accelerator. The car shot backwards and smacked into Charlotte. It was like hitting a metal barrier.

With a feral squeal, Charlotte leapt like a cat onto the roof of the car. Ruby sped off.

"Come on!" she smacked the steering wheel. Why did this old piece of rubbish have to be so slow!?

Metal moaned. Charlotte was trying to tear the roof off.

Ruby hit the brakes. Charlotte fell forwards onto the bonnet. This was considerably worse. The humanoid was part-chainsaw. It attacked the windscreen.

Ruby gripped the wheel with terror, driving on without be able to see. Then she crashed the car. Straight into a brick wall. The bonnet crumpled, and Charlotte along with it.

"Ow." Ruby rubbed her throbbing forehead. Her hand came away red. Past her fingers, she caught sight of a very squashed, unmoving humanoid.

Could this night get any crazier?

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