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If being a crazy robot was what 'being special' was all about, Ruby was pretty sure she was not special. 

Wanting to put a great deal of distance between herself and the crushed robot, Ruby backed away from the wall, leaving behind a pile of crushed metal which was once Charlotte. 

She violently zigzagged the broken car through the city, amazed that it still drove, paying no attention to speed limits or direction, drifting round corners like she was rally racing.

She was worrying; what if Charlotte could fix herself and come after her again?

Ruby threw the car round another corner at the thought, and almost crashed into a chopper, hovering mere inches from the ground. Tires screamed against the brakes, and Ruby's jaw dropped. The blades smacked together loudly, showering the car with dust. 

"What the hell?!" 

Ruby hurried to reverse, suddenly remembering what Charlotte had said about 'waiting for her ride to arrive'.

But she was not quick enough. Her screams filled the car as something hit the roof with a large thud. The wheels spun until the car was consumed by smoke, but it didn't move. Metal screeched and then the ground fell away.

Yeah. The night got crazier. 

The car swung dangerously as the helicopter flew over the city.

Ruby felt configured with fear. If the inevitable fall didn't kill her, she'd die of a heart attack. Any second now.

"Just breathe," she whispered to herself, becoming annoyed by her own hyperventilating.

Slowly, she tipped her self side ways to look out of the window. The site made her dizzy. She could see the tops of office blocks and tiny specs that were cars over four hundred feet below. 

A buzzing filled her ears, but she pretended it came from the speed of the helicopter. She twisted back into her seat and looked forward. The main bustle of the city fell behind, and ahead laid an abandoned industrial estate. It was just a cluster of huge, empty warehouses, with broken windows and missing roof panels. Ruby looked down on it with interest, having never known it was there before.

As she inspected the estate, she realized with a jolt of fear that she was getting closer to it. The car skimmed the roof of the largest building. Ruby clutched the wheel tightly, though she had no control over where she was going. Then she fell.

The car crashed through the roof of a warehouse. Glass and plaster exploded all around. The heavy engine was in the front, and the car swiveled forward. Its nose smacked into the wall. Ruby felt like she was inside a blender. Finally, the car slammed into the floor upside down, leaving the tinkling of shattering glass ringing in Ruby's ears. 

She lay there for a short moment, stunned and winded. Then the air bag inflated in an extremely delayed reaction.

She wrestled it out the way and managed to kick the door open. It fell off the car with a thud.

Ruby pulled herself free of the wreckage, sliding along on her belly. Miraculously, none of her bones seemed to be broken, though she felt like one big, swollen bruise and with a headache from hell.

In front of her was the pile of twisted metal that was once a car. It lay in the middle of a large, abandoned warehouse. A few rays of moonlight came in through the gaps in the boarded windows, making the place look gloomy, and a little scary.

The warehouse smelt of damp, and dust was thick in the air. It caught in Ruby's nose and throat, making her cough. Thoughts of haunted buildings coursed through her mind, so vividly she almost expected a ghost to drift immediately past her. Totally shouldn't have watched that horror film last night. Stupid.

Ruby concentrated on finding a way out. The absence of humming sound told her the helicopter had long gone. Or landed.

She stepped around the totaled car, her footsteps echoing off the walls in the spooky silence.

Look as she might, Ruby couldn't see a door of any sort. There were only crates and barrels, covered in cobwebs and pushed up against the walls. Maybe some were hiding an exit.

A deep rumbling growl suddenly punctured the silence. It was so loud it shook the building. Wide-eyed, Ruby glanced around, looking for the source of the sound. Fear clawed at her stomach.

Crunching metal sounded from above. Ruby instinctively covered her face and head with her arms; the ceiling started shaking so violently large chunks of it fell down. She ran back to take cover in the car. Once she was under the roof, she looked up through a small slit in the metal and gasped.

Crazy turned into insanity.

Two huge metal claws came through the ceiling. They tore the warehouse roof to shreds, throwing random pieces behind into the distance. Ruby could feel the tremors they caused when they hit the ground vibrating through her body. In next to no time the roof of the building had been utterly disposed of, revealing the most extraordinary sight Ruby had ever seen in her life. 

A huge black robot crouched next to the warehouse, peering down at her. Its head was bigger than her car, and its eyes glowed a sinister red.

Ruby slowly stood up, never taking her eyes off the robot. It was a miracle of advanced engineering, with lots of little parts put together to form this huge figure.

For one mad moment, they just stared at each other. Then the robot made the first move. It reached into the warehouse with one of its gleaming black claws, going straight for Ruby. 

Ruby ran, panic coursing through her, even though there was no where to go.

"Come here Girl!" it demanded.

Ruby dived behind a cluster of crates, panting for breath. She tried to work out what was going on.

OK, she thought to herself, I'm being pursued by a massive robot, nothing to worry about. Probably just wants to make friends; absolutely normal.

Ruby scrambled backwards as the crates were swept into the air and reduced to splinters with a few sickening snaps.

The metal claw came at her again. It clamped around her middle and lifted her up towards it's face. Ruby squeezed her eyes shut. She would of preferred to have Charlotte chase her across the entire country instead of this. 

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