Audrey's POV (IX)

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A couple weeks later, we went back to camp for a party type thing that was going to happen that night. I was helping some older campers (older meaning eighteen, nineteen or twenty) make lemonade. I was cutting the lemons while they squeezed them and put them in the pitcher. I'd left my glasses on my bunk in Cabin Twenty, because at camp they were pretty much useless--all the writing was in Ancient Greek. As I sliced the lemons in half, I heard something in my head.
Pssst, it said. Audrey!

Who are you? I said.
It's me, Matt. Meet me at the barrier.
Why should I?
I need to talk to you.
"I'll be right back," I told the older campers.
"Okay," one of them said. I didn't know their names. I walked out to the barrier and saw Matt.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
We talked for a minute. He told me about what that girl he was with said and that he didn't understand what he did to make her think that he kissed her. 

"But you didn't kiss me, Xetimas did, right?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he muttered.

"Do you think he's involved?"
"Only one way to find out." He teleported and brought the girl--he called her Anne--back to the camp.

"What do you want?" She asked irritably.

"Anne, who told you what you told me?"

"No one, and if someone did, do you honestly think I'll tell you?" She asked. They were quiet for a minute. I awkwardly watched them.
I'm still here, y'know... I thought.
He started walking away. Anne grabbed his arm, spun him around and kissed him. He continued walking towards the forest.
"He's an idiot," I said. "He doesn't know what's in that forest..."

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