Audrey's POV (VI)

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I started walking through the forest near the barrier. I saw a group of girls just on the other side. I teleported onto a branch just above them right in front of the barrier.

"Really?" one said.

"Yeah, in three days!" Said another.

"What's in three days?" I asked them from my tree branch.

"Oh! You scared me!"

"Sorry. What's in three days?" I asked again.

"You're Matt's friend, right?"


"Matt's birthday is in three days."


She nodded.

"How old will he be?"


"Wow..." I muttered. "I should probably get back to camp. Bye!" I jumped off the low tree branch and started jogging back to camp. 

"What's the rush?" Jordan asked me as I went past him.

"No rush," I said. "I just forgot I told Aria I'd teach her a few moves." I drew my dagger and spun it in my fingers.

"Okay..." He said.


"Nothing, I guess."

"Alright." I sheathed my dagger and kept running. I met Aria at the swordfighting arena.

"Finally!" She said in an exasperated tone.

"Sassy," I muttered. I drew my sword, Gennaiótita, meaning Bravery in Ancient Greek, and Aria drew her sword, Kalosýni, meaning Kindness in Ancient Greek. I showed her about fifteen different moves. By the time we were done, we were both hot and sweaty.

"Ugh," Aria said, wiping sweat off the back of her neck. "I'm going to go take a shower."

"M-kay," I said, waving to her as she walked away. "See you later."

"Oh, sorry-- said as i bumped into another person who was much bigger than me. "I wasn't looking where I was going--"

"It's okay," a familiar voice said, interrupting me. I felt warm hands on my shoulders. Will was smiling sweetly at me. "Why weren't you paying attention to where you were going?" He suddenly sounded concerned.

"Just tired, that's all."

He chuckled. "Seems like you're always tired." He kissed my cheek. "I gotta go, I'm teaching today's archery class."

"'Kay," I said as he walked towards the archery range. I went to Cabin Twenty and crashed on my bunk.

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