Audrey's POV (III)

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Will and I walked through the forest and sat in a tree right by the barrier. We were talking for about fifteen minutes before we heard rustling in the bushes just outside the barrier. Will protectively put an arm in front of me and called, "Who's there?"
"Guys," a voice called. "It's me, Matt."
"Didn't I tell you to leave?" Will said firmly.
Matt stared up at us.
"Did you?"
"Yes, I did!" Will was practically yelling at this point.
"Hmm, well, too bad, Blondie."
"What did you just call me?!"
"Oh, you heard me... Blondie."
"Oh-ho-ho, now you've done it." Will jumped out of the tree and drew his sword. I jumped down after him and stepped in front of him.
"Audrey, move..." He said.
"No!" I said back. "I don't want you to hurt my friend!"
"Yes! Friend! I won't let you hurt him!"
"'Atta girl," Matt said. "Let me repay you for that." He moved next to me and turned to face me. Then something unexpected happened... He kissed me. I pushed him away as fast as I could, but the look on Will's face told me the damage had already been done.
"Oh," Matt said casually. "So I did."
Will growled. He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me back to camp.
What are you doing? I asked him telepathically.
I have a plan... He thought.
And that is...?
Let's just say it involves Nico, skeletons and hopefully that jerk's death.
Oh, great...

"di Angelo!" Will called once we got to camp and spotted Nico.
"What do you want?" Nico said coldly.
"We need your help."
"Why should I help you?"
Will explained his plan to Nico.
"Hmm, fine..." He muttered once Will finished. "But only 'cause some jerk kissed my friend." We started heading back to the woods. When we got back, Will let go of my arm and I punched Matt in the face.
"Oww," he groaned. "What was that for?!"
"What do you think it was for?!" I seethed. Will nodded to Nico. Nico opened a huge, black ravine in the middle of the ground, between him and Matt. About ten seconds later, armed skeletons started crawling out of it.
"Attack!" Nico commanded the skeletons. They started closingh in on Matt.
"What the—" Matt yelled and started running away from them. He flared and destroyed the skeletons. "Enough! Now tell me what the heck is going on!" He demanded.
"You know what's going on," Will said fiercely but quietly. "Stop acting like you don't."
"But I don't!"

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