Matt's POV (IV)

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I looked around searching for Xetimas. I suddenly was pushed from behind. I turned around just enough to see from my peripheral vision that it was Xetimas who pushed me. I collided into a tree and blacked out.

I saw her sitting by me. We were playing with Play-Doh, she made crossed torches, well, what looked like them, and I made a decent fireball. I saw our teacher reading our papers on what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wanted to change the world, and she wanted to live up to her parent's vision of her, since her older brother was apparently a "demigod" (whatever that means) and I wasn't the best of kids, I got into fights at times, but for good reasons. (Like defending a kid in the playground, which caused me to get splashed by their drink. It stung for about two days...) I didn't know about what would happen in the future that would change everything, and I guess neither did she... I heard the bell ringing, I must've dozed off because someone was shaking me... very hard...

I woke with a start and formed my blade.
"Whoa, it's us, Drey and Will!" I heard.
"Sorry, I found Xetimas... He pushed me into a tree and I must've blacked out... I saw something though, it was like a crazy dream." "What did you see?" Audrey asked.
"Me and you, I think.. we were in Pre-K and we were playing with Play-Doh... the teacher was looking at our papers." I said.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't even know you back then. I don't even think you were in my class." She said.
"But it's true! I saw it!"
"Look, maybe you might've hit your head too hard, we'll take you to the infirmary in the camp." She said.
"What?! Are you crazy?" Will said. "He can't pass through the barrier, he's not a demigod!"
"He might not be, but we are."
"Don't tell me you're going to—"
"Yep." They helped me stand up and walked to the barrier. Audrey muttered something in a language I didn't understand (probably Greek.)
"You did not just do that," Will said.
"Yep," Audrey said again and we walked inside. "I still don't know how you managed to find this place, Matt—only demigods should be able to see it, unless..."
"Unless what?" I asked her.
"Unless you can see through the Mist."
"What's the Mist?"
"Hard to explain."
"Just tell me."
She sighed and thought for a minute. "The Mist is a magical... Veil, I guess you'd call it, that separates the mortal world for the "godly" world."
Will elbowed her playfully. "I think you left out a little detail."
Her face went slightly pink. "No I didn't..."
"Pretty sure you did."
"I did not!"
"Just tell him."
She sighed and buried her face in her hands. "And it was created by my mom..."
"Your mom made a magical veil?!" I said.
She nodded. Will elbowed her again. "And...?"
"And... I can control it..." She muttered, her face still in her hands.
"That's—wow," I said.
"Pretty wow," she said. "Kind of embarrassing, actually..."
"How come?"
"Almost every time I use it, it seems like I get "extra credit" or something."
We walked into the infirmary.

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