Chapter 13-Only the war

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Natasha and I raced to the jet Tony designated for us. She won (by a few inches,) and not yo brag too wildly we had the gentlemen of our crew beat by a half mile. Don't look into that much to much you might find the math won't be matching.

Natasha opened the ship, revealing a S.H.I.E.L.D agent inside who had definitely not been told about our arrival.

"Hey you guys are not authorized to be in here," he said.

"Son, just don't," We heard Steve say behind us. He winked at me, "I let you win that race by the way?"

My breath caught and I smacked his arm. Clint and Thor ran into the jet behind Steve and closed the door.

"This is not on our flight plan," the agent said.

"Are we gonna talk or fly?" Clint asked, ignoring the agent.

"Took you long enough to get here!" Nat said to Thor and Clint as she pushed the S.H.I.E.L.D agent into a seat and strapped him in. He didn't argue with her—good for him.

Clint laughed as he took control of the pilot seat,
"Nat, you need to take life slow, you're living in the fast lane," he says.

Oh yeah, it's good to have Clint back.

"Where's Loki?" I ask taking the seat next to Natasha.

Thor sits across from Nat while Steve takes the seat across from me.

Tony, who left like ten minutes ago in his fancy-smancy Iron man suit replies through our earpieces,
"Stark Towers. His portal device is outside on my balcony, if any piece of that tower is broken...."

"Save it Tony," Nat says cutting him off.

"Natasha, you are a spoiler of fun. I'm here and I see Loki. Going offline for a minute or ten," he says.

"Be careful, T-man, not that we would need you if you died," I mumble jokingly, knowing he didn't hear it.

"I heard that, Christy," he said before he cuts off his comm.

It takes at the most fifteen minutes to reach New York. I know this from...recent events. I guess having Super Powers makes me an honorary Avenger, even though Fury didn't say it with his own mouth. Fury doesn't want me here anyway. But yet, here I am, thanks to the ever loving, rule breaking Tony Stark.

I don't have a cool suit like Clint, Steve, or Nat, just a plain S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. But hey, if we live today, maybe Fury will buy me one.

We don't talk the whole way to New York. Okay, I don't talk, neither does Steve. Clint, Nat, and Thor discuss what our strategy is.

I look at the floor until for some reason I look up. Steve has his gaze locked on me. I'm not going to talk to him with Natasha (who now knows I'm her sister,) Clint, or Thor here. But Steve has other plans.

"What happened?" He asks.

"What?" I reply.

"Never mind," he says.

"Cap, this isn't time to talk about us, alright?" I say a little harshly.

That's when I realize the others are looking at us.

"Clint, how much further?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Here!" He says, "I can't believe I helped build this thing."

"Clint, don't do that to yourself," Nat says.

"Helped build what?" I ask.

"Christy, not now," Nat says.

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