Chapter 7- We made cake...

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A/N: guess what day it is???? Tuesday! Whoohoo! That means update!! I had a little trouble finding out a timeline to work with the movie but I think this will work because, hey, I'm not really following the movie to a T. Thanks!! Hope you enjoy:)


Chapter 7: We made cake...

Agent Maria Hill led Steve and me to what I thought was Director Fury's office. We pass a mirror I realize how bad Steve and I really look. Flour, fro-yo, icing, milkshake and pieces of leftover cake cover my entire body. Blue icing runs down my face, while the flour makes my already pale face, white.

I'm not an outside person. Agent Hill and Derrick try to push me outdoors but I always find a way around it. The sun and I don't mix well.

Anyway, my red t-shirt is covered in raspberry fro-yo, and my hair is a terrible mess. My toms are definitely not going to see another day. That's seventy dollars down the drain, I am pretty sure Fury won't buy me a new pair, and I have milkshake is in a place where milkshake should never be. Steve doesn't look much better. He has blue and red icing on his white t-shirt, and flour in his hair. He holds up his hand, motioning me to slow down, so that Hill is in three ft. ahead of us.

"How mad do you think Fury is?" Steve whispers so Hill can't hear.

"Maybe we can convince him this is a misunderstanding?" I say looking down at our Captain America cake. (Custom made by yours truly, Christy "Romanoff" Hope and Captain America.)

And might I just say....the cake looks fabtabulous!!

"That mad huh?" he says.

"When Fury is mad, he's mad," I say, "And I would know," I add.

"I can hear you," Hill says,"And Fury doesn't know about your little "kitchen mishap" yet."

"He doesn't know?" I ask.

"I'm taking you to him now," she says smiling.

"Where is Fury, Ma'am?" Steve asks.

"With the Avengers," Hill smirks.

Steve and I halt in our tracks. With the avengers....that means....

"It's a good thing we brought the cake," Steve mutters.


Our accusations were correct. Fury was standing in the middle of the tech lab with Tony, Bruce, Thor, Natasha and...oh boy....Phil Coulson.

"Director Fury," Hill says as we enter the room, "We had a....problem in the kitchen."

No one notices Steve or me yet.

"I thought that Agent Hope and Rogers were in the kitchen," Fury says confused.

Hill moved to the right so Fury could see us. Every single mouth in the room dropped.

Well this is all strange.

I give a little laugh and held up Steve and my creation.

"Um, we made cake..." I say sheepishly.

"Agent Hope, Rogers, do I even bother asking what happened?" Fury asks, arms crossed.

Tony, Thor and Bruce burst into laughter. Nat brought her hand to her mouth, covering her laugh.

"Like I said, we made cake," I say, my face turning beet red from all the attention.

"What happened exactly?" Fury asks again.

Steve holds out his hand,

"Most of it was my fault. First, I forgot the lid to the..."

"Blender," I say finishing for him, "And that was my fault."

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