Chapter 1-Aven-what?

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Secrets are meant to stay secret.

That's what SHIELD says.

What do I say?

Truthfully, my view on secrets varies from others.

Without secrets, the world would be in utter chaos, destruction, and ruin. Without secrets, the very fabric of society would be ripped apart. Secrets can protect.... our country is built on secrets.

But with secrets, lives are damaged, fumbled, or cut short. With secrets, relationships are attacked and hearts are divided. Secrets can destroy... our country is built on secrets.

Secrets are not bad, to an extent.

Even I have secrets.

So do you.

My name is Christy Romanoff. I am an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Whoo. Enough with the drama already! Let's lighten up! Okay, so I live in S.H.I.E.L.D's main headquarters. Just imagine rows of silver, identical buildings surrounded massive electric giant gates for protection. It may not be pretty, but it's home and that's what matters. It's all I've ever known—at least, it's all I can remember.

Oh one more thing: my "S.H.I.E.L.D" name is Christy Hope.

But, Christy, you literally just said your name was Christy Romanoff. So why the hell are you changing it up now?

Christy Hope is what everybody at S.H.I.E.L.D calls me. It's like a stage name, almost, but I've used it my whole life. *Lights, camera, drama activated.* No one knows my real name. Everyone knows me as Agent Christy Hope. It's easier that way.

Why the fake name? I just so happen to be the sister of Secret Agent Natasha Romanoff. You know, the Black Widow. Super spy, master assassin, cool under pressure, not bad in a gentlemen's club—

That is my older sister.

As far as everyone else knows, she's just my co worker. A friend.

No one knows and no one will know.... except for Director Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Phil Coulson... they know who I am.

The kicker?

Not even Natasha knows I am her sister.

Grab the popcorn, idiots, Christy just dropped a fucking bomb. Not even her sister knows the secret! I'm Hannah Montana. My name is Inigo Montoya. Let's light this sucker up! (Metaphorically, for legal reasons.)

Why is it a secret?

Twenty two years ago my parents, also Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, believe it or not we have a long line of Agents in our family- tracing back to the original S.H.I.E.L.D, the SSR, had Nat and I.

When my sister was two, and I at the innocent age of six months, our parents moved from Russia to the USA and enrolled us in S.H.I.E.L.D'a state of the art school/training program! Yes, I know, at six months I was learning how to kick butt with style. We lived at S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters in New York City.

Go figure.

The problem with our parents—Fury sent them on a mission deep in the heart of Europe, "location redacted", allegedly,  where they were, not allegedly, murdered by the people they were sent to take out in the first place.

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