Chapter 12-Explanations

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Chapter 12-Explanations

Am I dead.


But if I'm dead how can I hear?

I hear beeping.

Loud shouting.



I smell.



An unknown substance.



I can think?


I am dead.

Or I was dead.

I saw Him.


I saw my mother.

She told me not to fear.

I saw gold.

Real gold?


I was dead.

What am I now?



He told me my mission was not complete. I am still needed on earth. I was sent back. Why would anyone need me?

Where am I now?

I don't know.

All I see is black.


But I can hear.

What do I hear?

"Christy, please don't die. I...I...need you."

Who said it?

I don't know.

More voices.

"We have tried everything, Sir. The only thing we can do is keep her on life support."


I don't know. And I don't really want to find out.

"Just keep trying. Agent Romanoff is devastated. We can't lose her...not yet. Not again."


The voices sound the same.

All male.

I haven't heard a female voice.



More silence.


But then I feel.

I feel smooth covers under my hands. I feel someone's hand in mine. It's rough yet comforting.

I have a choice. I can wake up now, or die. I have that power. He told me so. Should I wake or just die? What lies for me here?





I decide.

My eyes shoot open.

The first thing I see is a blurry white light. A hospital light. I am in a hospital bed. I know this because I have been here, in this room before. My eyes shift left. A heart monitor stands above me, checking my pulse.




Steady. As it should be. I look right wanting to know who holds my hand. I am expecting Coulson, Maria, or even Fury. But who I don't expect is...

"Steve," I say almost in a whisper.

Tears stain his strangely pale face as his head jerks up,

"Christy? Christy! Your awake!" He says as he stands up and attempts to hug me.

"Ow," I mutter causing him to back down.

"Sorry," he says smiling.

"What's up, Cap? Did we win?" I ask, my voice slowly returning.

His smile instantly fades,
"I need to alert Commander Fury that your awake," he says as he walks to the door.

"Steve?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He asks opening the door.

"How long was I...gone?" I ask.

He gives me a small smile,
"Almost seventeen hours."

Really seventeen hours? That just can't be. It felt like much longer.

It took Steve fifteen minutes to find Fury. I don't blame him, I get lost in this place more than Peach in Super Mario Brothers gets kidnapped! Although I do normally end up somewhere near or with Loki.


Where is he? Who attacked? I gotta get out of he...

"Christy, please answer, this is the fourth time I have called your name," Fury says.

I have got to stop zoning out.

Wait how many times have I said that? I should really fix that.

"Christy, do you need the doctor?" Fury asks.

"No and hi, Fury," I say, "Sorry. What's up?"

"You have been out for a few...hours," he replies.

"Yeah, Steve told me. Seventeen right?" I say.

Fury nods.

The door opens, allowing Agent Maria Hill to enter the room.

"Christy!" She says running to my side.

There are not many moments where Maria Hill shows her feelings, so I feel pretty special right now.

"How are you feeling?" Hill asks.

"Okay I guess," I say.

I actually feel awful, but I have to give Hill the benefiting the doubt. My right leg hurts like crazy, and my chest feels heavy. But otherwise I really am okay.

"Good. We thought you were a goner," she said laughing.

"Me to," I reply looking at Fury, "Can I talk to Steve? Alone? Or are we still on probation even though I almost died?" I ask.

Fury turns and pushes Hill out the door,
"Ten minutes," he says.

"Thanks," I say.

As Steve sits I notice he looks better. I guess that's because he knows I'm actually alive and not going to die.

"So how are you, Steve? Really?" I ask.

He looks down at his hands before replying,
"You were dead."

"I know," I tell him.

He nods,
"Oh. How did you...come back?"

I take a deep breath, well equivalent to a deep breath.

"Cap, you know at Dinnè Cuisinè when you told me about...God and stuff?" I ask.

He nods so I continue,
"You can call me crazy, but right before I 'died' or passed out of whatever, I asked Him to save me, and he did. I saw Him, Steve. I was dead. I saw my mom. I was dead," I say.

Steve's eyes are wide.

"I told you it was crazy," I say.

"No. No, Christy, that's amazing! What did he tell you?" He asks.

Well then, I'm not crazy. If I told Fury I might be.

"He said my mission wasn't complete. My mother told me not to fear," I say.

"What about your father?" Steve asks.

"I didn't see him. Actually I'm not sure how I knew my mother. I've never actually seen her before," I say.

"I guess God gave you the knowledge. What did she look like?"

"Beautiful. Short blonde hair, blue eyes," I say.

"An older version of you," Steve says.

"No...well yes," I agree, "except for I have long hair. I wish I could have seen my father."

Steve and I sit in silence until I ask the question that has been hounding me,
"What happened?"

Steve doesn't meet my gaze,
"We were invaded by Agent Barton and other hostiles..."

"Clint!" I exclaim.

"He's fine and back in our care. He was under a spell of sorts but Agent Romanoff knocked Loki out of him," Steve explains.

"Oh. And Loki?" I ask.

"He escaped. We don't know where he is now."

My heart sinks. I hoped Loki wouldn't have escaped.

"After that blast you, Bruce, and Natasha were in, the ship's engines went offline. Mr.Stark and I had to repair them," Steve says.

"So Bruce is okay?" I ask.

"Bruce and Thor were thrown off te Helicarier. We are currently searching for them."

Bruce and Thor are missing?

"Does Loki have them?" I ask.

"No, we don't think so," he says.

"And what happened to me?" I ask cautiously.

"According to Natasha the Hulk threw you?" Steve asks.


"The Hulk threw you into a control room that had just been hit with a bomb as well. When we found you, your hands a ankles were wrapped around electrical cords that were shooting over two-thousands watts of energy into your body," Steve says.

I don't remember my hands being wrapped up? Wait when I flailed around I must have caught more electrical cords.

"You were also found with a busted Engine Coolant pipe pouring Coolant on your whole body," Steve says.

Coolant. Engine Coolant. Not totes cool.

"Was I dead when you found me?" I ask.

"No, Tony found you and kept you alive until he reached the medical wing. It was quite amazing, he put you inside of his suit and carried you the whole way here," Steve tells me.

"Wow Tony sacrificed himself for me?" I ask, "Never thought I would see the day."

Steve chuckles,
"You died when they were operating on you."

"For how long?" I ask.

"Ten minutes."

That's a long time on earth.

"Are the other Avengers alright?" I ask.

"Yes, Natasha is with Clint, and Tony is in his lab."

There is still one question I need an answer to,

"Steve, where's Phil? Agent Coulson?" I ask.

Steve's smiling face drops,

"Where is he, Steve?" I ask loudly.

"Loki killed him, ma'am," Steve says quietly.

Bruce and Thor missing I can take.

But not Coulson, he was a father to me. When I would wake up in the middle of the night when I was nine years old, he would immediately be at my side telling me it was alright.

He can't be dead. And killed by Loki.



I go into hysteria,
"You're lying! Coulson can't be dead! He is not dead!" I start screaming.

"Christy, calm down!" Steve says.

I continue to scream,
"Bring him to me! He can't be dead! He isn't dead!" I yell.

I guess either my screaming was really loud or Fury was standing outside because Fury, Hill, and I'm guessing my doctor run in. I don't want that doctor in here.

"Hold her down," the doctor orders.

Steve grabs my shoulders and holds me steady and still. I forget I'm no match against the super human, Steve Rodgers.

But I still scream. Tears roll down my face harder than they ever have.

"What's wrong with her, doctor?" Fury asks while Hill helps Steve hold me down.

My doctor, who is a woman answers Fury,
"Sir, she has been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours. She has entered hysterics and we need to calm her down," she says.

"Captain, what did you tell her?" Hill asks.

"She wanted to know what happened to Agent Coulson, ma'am," Steve replies.

"That was a stupid thing to tell her," Fury says.

"Your probably right," Steve says.

"He's not dead!" I scream louder.

"Keep her still, Rodgers!" Hill yells.

"Christy, listen to me," Cap said, "it's going to be okay. Coulson was a good man. He fought well and...."

"Didn't anyone try and save him!" I shout, "you didn't! No one did! He died because of you!" I scream.

The next few seconds go by in a blur. I'm so angry. I wanted Steve and Hill off of me. I wanted to be free!

Suddenly, I was.

"Christy?" I heard Steve ask.

I looked down to find Steve, Hill, and Fury all on the ground.

Where's the doctor?

Why in the chocolate chip cookies are they on the ground?

That's when I see it. The heart monitor that was plugged into my arm is now crushed.

On the other side of the room.

Three male S.H.I.E.L.D guards run into the room followed by two female nurses.

"What happened?" One nurse asks.

"Sir, are you alright?" One guard asks.

"Yes. Where is doctor Kailee?" Fury asks standing.

"Over here, Sir," Hill says attempting to pull the heart monitor off doctor Kailee.

The guards run over and help Hill remove the monitor.

It gets stranger.

Doctor Kailee is shocking. No, seriously. Electricity is running through her body. You can see it.

One guard picks up the dr. and walks over to the door,
"I'll take her to another medical room," he says glancing sharply at me.

That's when I notice that my arm is bleeding. The needle that was dripping some sort of liquid in my arm was ripped out when the rest of the room was turned upside down.

Great. Why me?

"What happened?" A nurse asks.

Fury, Hill, and Steve look at me.

"Christy," Steve mumbles.

"Me? I did that? How?" I ask.

I'm not sobbing anymore. But I'm still crying. Yup. That's me. Tough as tissues.

*Three Hours Later*

"I believe that Christy had a sort of chemical reaction with the coolant, energy watts, and metal in her arms," Tony said.

"Metal?" Steve asks.

Fury shifts,
"From when she"

"Tested on?" I finished for Fury.

He nods.

"Good that answered my next question," Tony said, "and describing what you just told me, I think Christy has...powers."

"Powers?" I wonder.

"Can you show me? I mean what you did earlier? In the hospital?" Tony asks.

"I don't know how to control what I did?" I yell, "I don't even know what I did!"

"Fury, can you describe what you saw Christy do again?" Tony asks.

"Rodgers and Hill were holding Christy down after she had a...breakdown after learning about Agent Coulson's death," Fury says.

I swallow hard. I stopped crying about an hour ago, but I still can't believe he's gone.

"Then after she...blew up...Rodgers, Hill, Dr.Kailee, and most of the hospital tools were thrown against the walls of Christy's room. None of us were injured except for Dr.Kailee, who was injured pretty badly. She had kinetic energy running through her body for about ten minutes. She'll be alright but she won't be working for a while," Fury says.

"Christy, what were you thinking when this all happened?" Tony asked.

"Um..." I say.

It's kinda awkward when everybody is looking at you. We are sitting in the Helicarrier's lab where no coincidence Tony Stark is running tests to see what is wrong with me. I'm sitting on a table in the middle of the room in my jeans and my favorite red shirt.

"I...wanted Steve and Hill off of me," I say.

"And, what about Dr.Kailee? What did you feel towards her?"

"I was angry. Ever since ya know...testing...I have hated doctors. Well not hate but dislike strongly. I didn't want her in the room," I say sheepishly.

"Okay I think that's all I need but Christy, could you move that computer for me?" Tony asks.

"Sure T-man," I say standing.

"No, Christy. With your mind," Tony says.

I stare dumbfounded for a moment until I realize he wants me to recreate the hospital scene.

"O....kay," I say crossing my arms.

I try to think about moving the ball. But no matter hard I try I can't move it.

"I can't," I say.

"Yes you can," Tony says, "Lift you hands and try again."

I roll my eyes and do as he says. Closing my eyes, I lift my hands and try to move the computer.

I hear Steve gasp, and I open my eyes. The computer is floating in mid-air! I feel power rushing through me.

"I'm doing it!" I say.


We hear my name called. I drop the computer. We turn to find Natasha standing behind us.

"You were!" She yells covering her mouth.

My hand is still pointed at the computer,
"Natasha! You made me drop the computer!" I scream.

We hear a shocky noise behind us. We turn to find the computer just like Dr.Kailee....except for this time it isn't energy. The computer is consumed in flames.

"Did I do that?" I ask.

"Yup," Tony says.

Natasha shakes her head, runs over and (even though we remain standing,) tackles me with a hug.

"I thought you were going to die!" She says.

"Nat...chock....." I stutter.

"I mean I just found out you were my sister then you had to go and die on me!" She continues.

"Nat..unless you.....want me to....die again...let...go..." I say.

She releases me,
"I am so sorry."

"It's okay," I say.

"What was that then? The computer-y-lifty-thingy?" She asks.

"I don't really kn..."

"She has the force," Tony says.

"Wait like a Jedi?" I ask.

"Something like that. But if you get angry you can make your target umm...burst into energy watts or in this case flames. Basically you can move things with your mind," Tony says.

"That is so cool," Nat says.

"Don't make Christy angry or she'll turn you into a crisp," Tony says.

"Hush up, Tony or your next," I say.

So Christy has super powers?" Steve asks.

"You didn't just see that?" I smirk.

"Christy," Nat says.

"Yes?" I say.

"There's someone here who wants to see you," she says.

I look towards the door.

"Not at the door," I hear.

I know that voice.

"Clint!" I say finding him resting on the side wall.

"Come here," he says.

I run into his arms like a two year old,
"Clint! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you to," he says, "now your acting like a four year old not a nineteen year old."

"Sorry," I say.

"Look I hate to break up this party," Fury starts, "but Christy, now that you have this power I can't let you roam free. You are confined to your room or the training room until farther notice."


"But Fury...."

Agent Hill runs in,
"Sir, Loki's been sighted in New York."

Fury turns to the avengers,
"Stay here until I send for you," he says as he and Hill leave.

Tony sets down his S.H.I.E.L.D-pad (think of IPad) and heads for the door,
"Time to suit up guys."

"Mr.Stark, Fury said to wait for orders..." Steve says.

"Cap, they are not going to reach Loki in time. So suit up," Tony replies.

"What about me?" I ask.

"If I have to say suit up one more time..." Tony says.

"Suiting up!" We all say.

"Hanger two. Jet Twelve. Anyone know how to fly a jet?" Tony asks.

"I do," Clint says.

"Then let's go. Fury will realize we are gone soon," Tony says.

Natasha and I run to put on our suits. It takes me around two minutes this time to put it on. As soon as I thrust the earpiece in the Helicarier shakes.

"Found Thor," I hear tony say.

"Excellent," Nat says.

I grab my two guns, not that I'll need them I have powers now.


My mission.

Stop Loki.

Destroy him like he killed Coulson.

Wait I have powers how cool is that?

I suddenly become afraid.




I don't even know how to control them! This is going to be,


A/N: PLOT TWIST! Christy has powers! I know that the Avengers went after Loki almost as soon as he escaped but this not the real story. It's based off that story. Thanks:)

Okay call this chapter boring or expected but this is how I wanted this one to go:)

I know this chapter was short but The next chapter is REALLY REALLY LONG! I think I only have three more chapters till this book is complete!!


Here's food for thought guys, if you want a second book (a sequel to this book) either comment or vote:) also if you want to make a cover for the second book, do it:) I think it will either be called We Remain or Lightweight. I don't know....comment your favorite:)

That's all for today folks!

-thanks so much everyone!


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